Sentences with phrase «mild inflammation»

Recent studies show nearly half of all children aged 2 and 3 have at least mild inflammation of gum tissues.
The damage to the spinal cord can range from mild inflammation to total destruction.
This is the grade given when there is mild inflammation of the gums and some plaque covering the teeth.
About 1 in every 5 dogs and 1 in every 15 cats that visit a veterinary clinic has ear disease — from mild inflammation to severe middle ear infection.
Mycotoxin exposure can cause mild inflammation in every human being, but sensitive acne patients are particularly at risk.
Small bowel disease starts with mild inflammation in the intestines and progresses to severe inflammation, a condition known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Mild inflammation in the gut has been shown to increase anxiety and and lower levels of brain derived neurotropic factor, a neuropeptide that's known to be low in depression.
Infected teeth, or periodontal disease, start out as mild plaque build - up with mild inflammation of the gums, but no deeper involvement and no loss of the supporting bone.
From mild inflammation or severe middle ear infection, approximately 15 — 20 % of canine patients and 6 — 7 % of feline... Continue reading →
But evidence of mild inflammation and heart strain in the bears fed the diet high in saturated fats raises questions about the health of bears in the wild that feed on human refuse their entire lives.
In the first set of experiments, we will cause a mild inflammation in this mouse model.
Our hypothesis is that by causing a mild inflammation in these animals, we will be able to induce changes similar to those seen in patients with AMD, because these animals already have a propensity to develop a slow retinal degeneration due to increased oxidative stress in their retinas.
Fever may go unnoticed, with a slight loss of appetite and a mild inflammation in the eyes.
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