Sentences with phrase «mild labor contractions»

These feel similar to mild labor contractions and are more frequent during breastfeeding.

Not exact matches

According to the American Pregnancy Association, the hormone oxytocin is released during breastfeeding and can cause mild uterine contractions, but it's released in such a small amount, that it won't send you into pre-term labor.
While on the phone with co-workers, I started having mild contractions which I thought might be Braxton - Hicks, but I thought it might be the start of back labor.
Another type of medication is epidural anesthesia which allows mom to feel only mild to moderate contraction intensity and pressure during labor and childbirth.
You might start to feel mild contractions, which are warm - ups to prepare your uterus for the real labor to come.
Don't let the movies scare you, though: most of early labor consists of milder contractions with plenty of time between them for breathing, relaxing, wandering around the room, or arguing over baby names with your partner.
The first couple of hours after my water broke were manageable — the contractions were mild as my husband and I walked around the corridors of the labor and delivery ward, showing off my new leopard - print slippers to the night - shift nurses and practicing how we were going to tell all our friends the story of my water breaking right after the creme brulee had been cleared.
In more extreme cases it's possible for your pooch to have a false labor with mild contractions.
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