Sentences with phrase «military spending»

Military spending refers to the amount of money a country allocates for its armed forces, weapons, equipment, and related activities. It involves the expenses needed to maintain and strengthen a country's military capabilities, such as salaries for soldiers, training, weapons research, defense infrastructure, and operations. Full definition
This program should be funded through the existing welfare budget, reductions in military spending and corporate subsidies, and a fair, progressive income tax.
The comparison of military spending as an assessment of burden sharing thus has long been a common practice, see the aforementioned report.
The government is under renewed pressure to increase military spending after complaints the armed forces lack the resources to fight a war on two fronts.
But to put full blame on military spending alone shows great ignorance of the fiscal demands on our country.
They agreed in 2014, well before he became president, to stop cutting military spending, and have lived up to that.
Think about military spending — would you be planning on launching a start - up in that sector?
It would significantly boost military spending and increase funding for border security, infrastructure and efforts to fight the opioid epidemic.
As military spending declines, these pressures seem to be increasing as each project fights for survival against its rivals.
The outside world needs to apply a different kind of pressure: a diplomatic and economic push for regime - led reforms, commercial investment, and reduced military spending.
Military spending kept those industries relatively strong when some other high - tech sectors suffered from the effects of the Great Recession.
Overall, military spending accounts for about one - half of discretionary spending.
Of every form of public spending military spending is the least Labour productive.
I seem to recall a certain European country that used military spending to reduce unemployment essentially to zero, but it didn't work out very well for them in the end.
Similarly, 56 % would keep military spending unchanged; 26 % would decrease it.
Few of our African acquaintances see a connection between military spending in the developed nations and oppressive social conditions in the developing world.
There is an argument that military spending gives us technology back.
Besides — aren't the Christian Right people the ones who are saying don't touch military spending?
Isn't that what military spending is supposed to be for?
As a result of huge amounts of military spending, the national debt is massive.
He doesn't get rid of the deficit, and he wants to increase military spending, which is purely based on fear.
Israeli government officials argue about military spending and military strength.
The deal would raise spending caps by about $ 300 billion over two years and bump the limit on military spending by $ 80 billion in the current year and $ 85 billion in the next year.
An amendment to a major military spending bill before the House would rescind a 2007 federal law barring the Defense Department from using alternative fuels, like synthetic oil made from coal, that produce more climate - altering pollution than conventional fuels.
@DA All sarcasm aside, democrats do frequently go for military spending cuts, which is resisting national defence.
It doesn't seem to make much sense to increase the already high US military spending while at the same time not wanting to engage in large - scale military actions.
To put the Ceres figure of $ 1 trillion per year in perspective, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) Yearbook 2013, total military spending by the nations of the world in 2012 was 1.75 trillion dollars, with just the top six spenders accounting for more than 1 trillion of that.
The corollary is that other countries» balance - of - payments surpluses do not stem primarily from trade relations, but from financial speculation and a spillover of U.S. global military spending.
So, to suggest that we cut military spending while our young men and women are in harms way is something to be ashamed of!
Increases in overall military spending are partly responsible for the revenue and earnings growth seen in Raytheon and the trend is likely to continue despite a cooling in the North Korea situation.
There's nothing to gain for Russia by starting a war in Europe, and any fearmongering of them planning to do so is always, inevitable, by someone who profits from higher military spending.
Reduction of military spending as well as reform of Medicare and Social Security are also necessary.
But after the Korean War broke out, U.S. overseas military spending accounted for the entire payments deficit during the 1950s and «60s and early «70s, while private - sector trade and investment were exactly in balance.
The financing of sustainable development, including climate mitigation, should be bolstered through new incentives for the transition towards low - carbon energy, and through the relentless pursuit of peace, which also will enable the shift of public financing from military spending to urgent investments for sustainable development;
Increasing military spending doesn't contradict necessarily with Trump being an isolationist; He can reduce US aid spending to foreigners (Here are some of aid receivers and some are hidden), and increase US military budget.
But what was in fact indirectly responsible was the massive military spending over decades on the USSR side, crippling the economy.
A Japanese boy has been injured after a window fell off a US military helicopter and landed on a school playground - the second such incident in a week US and world military spending and budgets are very high, almost back to Cold War levels.
As it is the US is coming off of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, as well as operations against ISIS, and the trend of lowering military spending as a % of GDP has resumed.
And the FY2001 Budget Resolution set military spending at $ 310.8 billion, $ 18.2 billion more than FY2000.
Even so, President Trump is calling for a $ 54 billion increase in US military spending which he says is needed to «rebuild the military.»
Global military spending rose to $ 1.739 trillion last year, a 1.1 percent increase on 2016, a Swedish arms watchdog said.
That includes the influence of pollution on cognitive function decline, on IQ, and on mental health, the influence of energy on freshwater resources, on national security (e.g. military spending related to oil / gas supplies), the impact of climate change on biodiversity, the effects of ocean acidification, etc..
None of them challenge the UK's massive military spending (the sixth highest in the world).
Cuomo wrote a strategy memo of sorts for Democrats to move forward, pointing to GOP lawmakers needing military spending and Democrats needing Medicaid funding.
This might make sense if all the world's military spending went towards the likes of the Wehrmacht and the Luftwaffe.
Obviously if the world has less evil people like tt, we could do with less military spending and easily afford mitigation.
One plan would include a repeal of DADT as part of the Department of Defense Authorization bill — a move which could help passage as senators who oppose it would be forced to make a politically risky vote against military spending as well.

Phrases with «military spending»

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