Sentences with phrase «mill breeders raising»

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Orland Park began considering the issue after the Chicago City Council and the Cook County Board of Commissioners banned the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits from large - scale breeders earlier this year in an attempt to keep pet stores from selling animals raised in puppy mills.
Orland Park trustees are considering banning the sale of pets raised by commercial breeders, which critics call «puppy mills,» in village pet stores.
The HSUS said that employees at Pets of Bel Air told customers that the puppies sold at the store were raised by private breeders and assured customers that they do not buy puppies from puppy mills.
Prop B will raise the bar on commercial breeders in the state that is home to an estimated 30 % of the nation's puppy mills.
Cats raised by backyard breeders and kitten mills usually have both health and behavioral problems, as they are mistreated, poorly socialized and kept in bad conditions.
Often using stock photos of home - raised and well - loved dogs, puppy mills present as loving, caring breeders.
Certainly, a purebred cat purchased from a backyard breeder (kitten mill) will have a much different personality than a cat raised «underfoot» in a reputable breeder's home.
«What we need to do a better job of is raising awareness that there is a big difference between respectable commercial breeders and disreputable puppy mills
Raising awareness of puppy mills and backyard breeders, and of how to acquire pets responsibly from humane, reputable sources
We urge consumers to adopt pets from animal shelters or find a reputable breeder they have met and screened in person instead of fueling the demand for dogs raised in puppy mills
New advisory council helps raise awareness about difference between responsible breeders and puppy mills
As the public face of The HSUS's new Breeders Advisory and Resource Council, Donnelly and McGriff provide input on public policy and help The HSUS raise awareness about the difference between responsible breeders — who breed happy, healthy dogs in clean, humane conditions — and puppy mills, factory - style facilities that focus on profit at the expense of animal Breeders Advisory and Resource Council, Donnelly and McGriff provide input on public policy and help The HSUS raise awareness about the difference between responsible breeders — who breed happy, healthy dogs in clean, humane conditions — and puppy mills, factory - style facilities that focus on profit at the expense of animal breeders — who breed happy, healthy dogs in clean, humane conditions — and puppy mills, factory - style facilities that focus on profit at the expense of animal welfare.
is now the leading puppy mill states due to the high number of backyard breeders and puppy farmers who have found it more profitable to raise puppies than chickens.
AB 485 bans the pet store sale of dogs, cats and other pets raised by breeders, who, especially when it comes to puppy mills, aren't always the rule - following, highly policed and regulated operations the AKC portrays them as.
Indeed, the AKC management routinely schedules seminars and «breeder education» events with the Hunte Corporation of St. Louis Missouri, the world's largest broker of puppy mill raised puppies.
Too often, puppy mill operators have been able to count on support from good breeders in defense of the idea of raising dogs for sale.
A breeder that does not allow you to see how the animal is raised is a puppy / kitten mill.
As a rule, she says, breeders who are even the least bit evasive are millers raising dogs in deplorable places.
Additionally, puppy mills often pose as breeders on the internet and through news ads and magazine sources, so be careful not to believe promises that the puppies are raised at home or family - raised.
were â $ ˜healthy,» â $ ˜the finest available,» and by deliberately misrepresenting puppy mills who bred the dogs as â $ ˜professional and hobby breeders who have years of experience in raising quality family pets,» and by deliberately misrepresenting that the puppies were from USDA - licensed breeders.
The puppies who come from puppy mills and backyard breeders are then shipped to pet stores or sold online, often without the purchaser knowing the conditions the puppy was raised in or whether the parents are healthy.
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