Sentences with phrase «millions of documents»

Lead extensive national effort to gather tens of millions of documents on an expedited basis in response to a federal court's order.
One activist downloaded millions of documents from the site to make them available to the general public before he was stopped from doing so.
This allows for searches through millions of documents on content and metadata bases.
The ability to do complex searches quickly across millions of documents is improving daily and the role of the lawyer is becoming increasingly technical.
It is also one of the web's largest source of published content, with literally millions of documents published every month.
By the end, they expect to have downloaded millions of documents.
Operating companies might be forced to review and disclose millions of documents while shell - company patent trolls tend to have very few documents.
In this functionality, you can actually see millions of documents and their contents at the macro level, allowing you to hone in on more critical language to your matter.
I get calls about everything from collecting social media material to managing the disclosure of millions of documents.
Millions of documents stored in archives could provide scientists with the key to tracing the development of agriculture in the British Isles over the last 700 years, according to new research at the University of York and Trinity College Dublin.
TAR tools can quickly analyze millions of documents for subtle patterns, but only humans can decide what's important to the case, or what stories the documents can tell.
Litigation files with thousands or even millions of documents have spawned an entire industry devoted to document review.
When the U.S. Department of Justice investigated the Anheuser - Busch InBev merger, McDermott Will & Emery was called upon to review millions of documents that could be relevant to DOJ's requests for information.
Increasing data volumes and stricter regulatory demands have produced sophisticated document review platforms and innovate technologies to tackle the challenges that lawyers face when presented with millions of documents to review in short timescales.
Law firms need to «up their game» on data security according to experts after millions of documents showing tax evasion and money laundering by wealthy individuals and companies were leaked from Panama offshore firm Mossack Fonseca.
Our multi-matter platform puts you in control of a secure, central hub to manage millions of documents across multiple matters.
Offshore firm Appleby has come under intense scrutiny after millions of its documents were exposed to the public in a leak dubbed the «Paradise Papers».
As a document reviewer, attorneys assist the ever - growing world of e-discovery by sifting through millions of documents, organizing them by responsiveness, privilege and issue tags.
«I don't think the RCMP had ever seen a commercial crime case like Nortel,» says Hannaford, «where there were millions and millions of documents provided
Scribd is one of the web's largest sources of published content, with literally millions of documents published every month.
In one of the biggest data leaks in history, millions of documents revealed that banks, political leaders and wealthy individuals had allegedly hidden billions of dollars in shell companies through a Panama law firm.
Mr. de Blasio has said he was not immediately informed about a separate federal investigation, also by the United States attorney for the Southern District, Preet Bharara, into the New York City Housing Authority, which began turning over millions of documents last year.
Users can query the status of their genomic variants for over 400 conditions or tens of millions of documented SNPs.
Preview: DCL Announces Its Collaboration with Elsevier to Enrich Millions of Documents for the Scopus Database
Today, with 100 million users and storing at least ten times as many words as Wikipedia, Scribd hosts millions upon millions of documents.
Appointed by President Obama, Hayden is the first woman and first African American to lead the nation's library — the largest in the world — a repository of knowledge and culture including millions of documents, books, photographs, recordings, maps and newspaper archives.
[Translate] Millions of documents show heads of state, criminals and celebrities using secret hideaways in tax havens By The...
Technology companies in the legal research space add millions of documents to their repositories every day.
iDS's client, a major international corporation, was involved in a contract dispute with a government agency regarding a billing issue that would involve millions of documents.
The problem that led to the enactment of the Rule is the sheer volume and expense that arises from the review of perhaps millions of documents that are «electronic» in nature.
Radiance allows organizations to connect, enrich, analyze and visualize millions of documents from disparate sources in a single user interface.
With hundreds of thousands, even millions of documents and emails being created, received and shared annually by a law firm, making sure there's a document lifecycle strategy in place is imperative.
The range of legal information in Vizlegal is also set to widen, including the addition of tens of millions of documents from multiple jurisdictions.
Noted for its scalability and performance, Ringtail gives legal teams flexible workflow tools, the ability to search across millions of documents in seconds and powerful production capabilities.
Forgotten and filed away decades ago, millions of documents on geothermal research are now helping scientists make harvesting Earth's energy affordable
Over the past year, Nalanda has been working directly with a number of law firms to assist them in managing millions of documents with Nalytics.
As NewScientist reports, the new predictive coding software could «sift through millions of documents and spit out only those the lawyer might need, saving them time and — crucially — their clients» money.»
During a major commercial court case, lawyers must review tens or hundreds of millions of documents to find relevant evidence, and companies have more evidence to sort through than ever as much of it has gone digital in the form of emails, texts, video, etc..
Even 10 years ago those who graduated from law school spent all their time with millions of documents that discovery required — and now some of that is more likely to be dealt with by algorithms,» he says.
«For the record, we wish to make it clear that as we start this trial David Baazov and his counsel have not been given by the AMF or this court the time necessary to review the millions of documents disclosed and judged potentially relevant,» she said.
In 1991, and then again in 2000, huge volumes of archival materials — millions of documents — were released to historians.
Catholic News Service: Vatican Secret Archives marks 400th anniversary with Rome exhibit Working with the city of Rome, the Vatican Secret Archives is celebrating its 400th anniversary with an exhibit designed to shed light not only on its holdings, but on some of the myth and mystery surrounding its collection of millions of documents.
«Free online access to millions of documents on chemical toxicity made possible through ToxicDocs: A new special issue discusses the history, impact and case studies of an online database of information about the dangers of toxic substances in products.»
We are indexing the millions of documents stored at the San Francisco Uni's Legacy Tobacco Archive [1] With some entries you'll need to go to this site and type into the Search panel a (multi-digit) Bates number.
With cases today sometimes requiring review of millions of documents, TAR's impact can be huge.
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