Sentences with phrase «millions of supporters»

What started as a hobby turned into a social media empire, as she now captures the hearts of millions of supporters worldwide.
What started as a hobby turned into a social media empire, capturing the hearts of millions of supporters worldwide.
Together, along with millions of supporters around the world, we make up the Antarctic Ocean Alliance.
Millions of supporters used online tools to participate in the Obama campaign.
The NPP has millions of supporters nationwide and the party leadership can not «remote control someone in Techiman,» he argued further.
NGP VAN Digital products (which are recommended by the DCCC, DLCC, EMILY's List, and America Votes) sent hundreds of millions of emails, helping clients raise hundreds of millions of dollars online, from millions of supporters
During an Oval Office meeting at the White House, President Obama told Bernie Sanders to channel the energy of his presidential campaign's millions of supporters behind Hillary Clinton, and said that the Vermont senator would play a central role in shaping the Democratic agenda if he did.
«In light of the foregoing undeniable facts, we the members of this forum, together with our delegates and millions of supporters wish to present this S.O.
Given that a previous petition to ban neonicotinoids attracted millions of supporters, it shouldn't be a problem to get support for a ban that is already in place.
10 people can give you any proportion but will never be truely representative of millions of supporters.
Together with millions of our supporters worldwide, we help people stay well and get well, find cures, and fight back against cancer.
Donald Trump, for all his transparent misrepresentations, lies and exaggerations, still manages to hold onto it with millions of his supporters.
He believes that those ideas have found favor with «millions of supporters» through the militias» appeal to selected constituencies that are concerned with such issues as gun control and land use and are animated by a pervasive fear of «Washington,» a fear Waco and Ruby Ridge dramatically confirmed.
Wenger you had your chance, you made a fool of yourself and millions of supporters, especially those who forked out thousands each year for a ticket to pay your ridiculous wages...... mugs!
While twitter can be viewed as a distraction by some, it can be used as a powerful medium to make them aware of the millions of supporters they have and understand the magnitude of the expectations that the manager and players have to shoulder.
We call on the millions of supporters of the National Democratic Congress to exercise restraint and refrain from any conduct that will undermine the peace of the country.
Obama will be the first true president of a different media age, the era of networked communications, so will he use the new online tools to shape his millions of supporters into a club to shift votes on Capitol Hill?
But the electoral commission chief on Monday pointed to other critical politicians permitted on to the presidential ballot and shrugged off Mr Navalny's talk of «millions of supporters».
But I am not going to betray the trust of those who voted for me — or the millions of supporters across the country who need Labour to represent them.
The unsuccessful coup attempt that preceded the leadership challenge was an inexcusable fit of pique that has baffled, angered and alienated hundreds of thousands of members and millions of supporters.
«But I am not going to betray the trust of those who voted for me - or the millions of supporters across the country who need Labour to represent them.
«I was elected by hundreds of thousands of Labour party members and supporters with an overwhelming mandate for a different kind of politics... I am not going to betray the trust of those who voted for me — or the millions of supporters across the country who need Labour to represent them.
«Thanks to those millions of supporters, Trove on console is off to an incredible start, with thousands of unique worlds being built by players and tens of millions of hours logged in the game before it's even officially launched.»
I also really admired how they went about securing the cat brand owner's support for the game, so they were promoted by these cats who have millions of supporters.
Today, the Sierra Club, ForestEthics, and our millions of supporters, kick off our campaign to persuade the first three companies — Coke, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper — to make the leap and join us as leaders in the effort to solve the climate crisis.
Your millions of supporters are anxiously looking to you to hear what comes next in the political revolution.
Planned Parenthood Action Fund and our millions of supporters across the country are ready to hold Congress accountable for these votes and any other attacks on women's health when they come back to Washington in the New Year.»
This is a dangerous plan, and Planned Parenthood's millions of supporters will not take these attacks lying down.
Last night, Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, joined The Rachel Maddow Show to make it clear that Planned Parenthood's doors will stay open — no matter what — and that Planned Parenthood's millions of supporters will stand up and fight back against attacks on women's access to reproductive care, and fight to protect women's rights and civil rights.
Cecile Richars makes it clear that Planned Parenthood's doors will stay open — no matter what — and that Planned Parenthood's millions of supporters will stand up and fight back against attacks on women's access to reproductive care, and fight to protect women's rights and civil rights.
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