Sentences with phrase «mind alert»

Sleep is the power source that keeps your mind alert and calm.
But try to keep the spine tall yet relaxed, as this will keep your mind alert and more readily able to concentrate.
Just like other richly oiled cold - water fish, they are a nutritional powerhouse that offers decent amounts of iron, vitamins A, B, C, D and E, first - class protein and, of course, omega - 3 fatty acids, all of which will work together to keep your body and mind alert and smooth - functioning; and since they contain no carbs, they can help stabilize blood sugar levels.
Natural Raw C with Energy includes coconut water, guarana, acai, coconut nectar and natural flavouring to give Aussies that much needed natural energy boost to keep their minds alert and bodies invigorated throughout the day, using only 100 per cent natural ingredients with no added caffeine.
Peppermint tea supports digestion and keeps the mind alert.
Hydration not only aids in the overall cleansing of the body, but I also believe it has some factors that really improve the immune system and keeping the body and mind alert and sound.
If that's not your goal, and you simply want to keep your mind alert and advanced, then there's no pressure.
All teachers out there know how much energy it takes to be completely and fully present and attentive for a class, (and often at the same time work your body together with the students) so especially for days when I teach several classes, I really need a good pick - me - up snack to fuel my body and keep my mind alert!
Nibbling healthy snacks throughout the day is a great way to keep your energy high and your mind alert.
This desire will motivate you to look good, stay active and healthy and keep your mind alert and interesting.
, and it keeps your mind alert and focused on the date, unlike other drink - based activities.
Reinforce his training, and teach him new behaviors to keep his mind alert.
Activities can help your cat maintain a healthy body weight, keep muscles toned, and even keep the mind alert.
It's a lot like how people play chess to keep their minds alert to many possibilities.
And others are just variety and keep your mind alert for new things.
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