Sentences with phrase «mind calm»

The poses help the person concentrate on the task ahead and keep mind calm.
Although, I suppose that bright green pants do not really call to mind a calm evening.
Concentrate on the breath and focus on calming your mind
Acupressure points you can use before, during, and after your birth to help the baby descend more easily, to relieve strong sensations, relax the body and calm the mind
As John Donahoe, the chairman of PayPal, once wrote: «Without a constant barrage of work issues to respond to, I find that my mind calms down and my intuition begins to come alive.»
The superior person has the ability to continue talking to himself in a positive and optimistic way, keeping his mind calm, clear and completely under control.
Or call it a response to all that's happening in the world, and the need to keep our hands busy and minds calm.
Go for a walk, a swim, a prenatal yoga class... all of these things are great for keeping your body fit, your mind calm and your baby in good health.
Perhaps the hardest thing is not to be scared of the sensation, keep your mind calm when your body is doing it's thing.
The smooth, gentle movements also aid relaxation and help to keep the mind calm and focused.
Keeping a very simple life, free of drama, and limiting negative people keeps my mind calm.
The meditative and breathing exercises aim at keeping the body and mind calm and keep distracting thoughts away while focusing on the body, posture and breath.
Picture the colors and other aspects of the scene in detail and let the vision in your mind calm you.
So, you're facing these problems and challenges and you also need to keep your mind calm and relaxed in these situations, but how?
If you're facing troublesome situations in the office where your boss is putting pressure for more work or your colleague is behaving rudely with you, then the best thing that you should do is to keep your mind calm.
Walden says that creating the horizontal opening helps keep your mind calm and spacious and balances the strong vertical lift that stimulates your mind.
Prenatal Yoga helps keep your body healthy and toned, your mind calm and connects you to your growing baby.
Eliminating sugar from your diet is hard, but reserving it for sweet treats is easy, once you start to feel your mind calm (15).
Flow practice can be akin to a moving meditation where the body is warmed, energy flows, and as a result the mind calms.
Vippassna meditation technique, which helps reduce stress, makes a mind calmer.
Using a proven method of pain management from «Life is now Pain Care» - Yoga for chronic pain focuses on moving with more ease, while integrating pain science with skillfulness in keeping your body, breath and mind calm.
This leaves my mind calm and my spirit open so I can connect to my sense of sacred innate wisdom.
Kim recently posted... Calming Your Mind
As you are attacked by a blast of words — unwavering, relentless, even in case of most serious scenes — your mind calms itself, and starts to sift through just the most commonplace ones.
You need to get their minds calm enough to do rigorous work.»
As Cesar Millan always stresses, exercise burns off aggressive energy and leaves a dog's mind calm, clear, and receptive to training.
Meditation actually makes your mind calmer and more focused.
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