Sentences with phrase «mind during the discussion»

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During their discussion on what's top of mind for advisors, Randy Conner, president of Churchill Management Group, noted that given the market turmoil, a «hyper - focus» of advisors» business should be on acquiring clients and building on those relationships — new and current ones.
And if you wonder what kind of school was that, where you discussed food during a math class, well that was our math teacher; she would have, from time to time, a nice 10 minutes discussion with us, (math unrelated), to make us think, to open our minds.
Displaying initiative during the discussion phase shows that you are serious and have mutual interests in mind.
Water was «read» by their mind, heart, sensorial attitude, into a valuable process of transdisciplinary knowledge.3 The visit to The Water Tower4 of the town and its museum facilitated the real knowledge of the objects and instruments that were used during the centuries by the rural and urban civilization concerning the use of water; the creative workshops facilitated unexpected «meetings» between poetry, music and painting in the artistic imaginary frame of water; the presentations revealed the magic powers of the water as they are known in folklore, mythology and also the astonishing Bible significations of the water and its use in religious rituals; the scientific outlook on water brought forward for discussion its physical - chemical properties, its role in the human metabolism and in all living beings.
With these efforts in mind, Maria articulates this question: «During small - group discussions, how are my questions promoting students» abilities to cite text to support their conclusions?»
Then, during the «Yes, All Women» discussion later in the afternoon, I would find inspiration and make new friends with like - minded female creatives.
That is why it is recommended to read the piece of literature under discussion for several times and making notes of your impressions and ideas, which come to your mind during the process of writing and to form them in some of your own attitude to this very piece of literature, which will build your interpretation in future.
The discussion explored strategies young associates can employ and special considerations for them to keep in mind during the process of creating professional development plans.
Keep in mind that during a job interview, discussing salary is simply a discussion and not a negotiation.
Our 12 - week program is adapted from MBSR, a structured 8 - week program of instruction in the cultivation of mindfulness, a practice of purposeful nonjudgmental attention to the happenings of the present moment.5 MBSR programs consist of 3 components: (1) didactic material related to mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and the mind - body connection; (2) experiential practice of various mindfulness meditations, mindful yoga, and body awareness during group meetings and encouragement of home practice; and (3) group discussion focused on the application of mindfulness to everyday situations and problem - solving related to barriers to effective practice.5, 13,14 The MBSR program includes a number of formal and informal techniques, all of which share the goal of enhancing nonjudgmental present - focused awareness, aimed to reduce dysregulated focus on the past (ie, rumination) and worries about the future (ie, anxiety).
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