Sentences with phrase «mind of a fetus»

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And if the SCOTUS all of a sudden changed their position and said that fetuses did have rights... would you change your mind?
I submit that pro-life arguments seem absurd to any listener who has in the back of the mind a sense that the embryo or fetus is being constructed in the womb.
People may generally be unaware of the historical lack of agreement among the fathers of the Church on when the fetus possesses a soul, but they likely sense at some level of their mind that their pro — life stance is personally based more on passionate belief than on demonstrable fact.
While it didn't get as much attention as the (thankfully) failed vote by the Senate to ban abortions after 20 weeks in January — never mind that abortion that late in a term is both rare, and nearly always because the fetus has a catastrophic ailment — John Faso voted in favor of the same legislation in the House this past fall.
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