Sentences with phrase «minds and body while»

The ability to nurture and nourish minds and body while still keeping her spirit, and everyone else's, is all in a day's work.
With 41 locations and counting, this 45 - minute high intensity workout aims to challenge both mind and body all while blasting party music and bellowing out inspirational thoughts.
Living food, real food, helps support your mind and body while it's trying to deal with the million things coming its way.
She uses these unique tools during many of her organization processes to clear the mind and body while cleansing the home once needless possessions have been removed from clients» spaces.
A balance of spirit, mind and body while away from the part of your life that matters most, home.
This rejuvenating Kundalini yoga experience works to cleanse the mind and body while reinvigorating the spirit.
In addition to this, we offer timely breaks which include excursions that help our students refresh and revive their mind and body while they are undergoing a rigorous program.
His teaching combines a spiritual understanding of the mind and body while offering practical applications.»
Bergamot is always a go - to when I'm feeling stressed, as its unique composition calms the mind and body while enhancing mood.
You can lose 1200 to 2400 calories per hour between the needs of your mind and body while surfing or performing yoga.
But did you know there are other things you can do on your own to help support your mind and body while you are recovering from excessive anxiety?

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While he heard about a wide variety of habits, most nurtured their bodies in the morning with water, a healthy breakfast, and light exercise, and they nurtured their minds with meditation or prayer, inspirational reading, or journaling.
Don't let your mind and body deteriorate because you're too stubborn to take a break — or pick up a pen and paper once in a while.
Allow your mind to get lost in the music while your body relaxes and releases tension.
While it is admirable a person is willing to put their body and mind through a 48 - hour work marathon, it is outright foolish.
While it may feel like you don't have time to get the suggested seven to eight hours, sleeping is crucial to maintaining your body and mind.
While you can't always control how you feel, you can control a lot of variables that influence your mind and body.
In this regard, several external groups such as the Challenge Team and the Ten - ten Theatre Company offer useful services to schools, while some good supporting materials are available - the primary school «This is My Body» scheme and Education for Life aimed at secondary schools spring to mind.
Something went wrong with it maybe because it was sick in body or mind for a while and it went crazy.
Deny all facts around you, and just admit that you're scared of what you don't know, while us non-religious folks grow our minds and humanity's body of knowledge so we can make the world a better place.
Holly its not about how we feel its the decision you made to accept Jesus so you are saved and you are now part of Gods family and the body of Christ.The enemy likes to play mind games to make us doubt our faith especially as a new believer.The word tells us that when we believe in Jesus we are saved.John 3:16 Personally i do nt believe we can lose that as it is a free gift not based on what we do right or do wrong.As he died for us while we were still sinners..
The ontological principle, the concepts of the essential relatedness and separateness of reality, and numerous other Whiteheadian concepts help pave the way for a truly holistic view of health and healing while moving beyond mind - body and subject - object splits.
Distracted exercise helps reinforce the divide between our bodies and spirits by occupying our minds with one thing while our bodies do something else.
While my mind and my emotions were still trying to absorb the fact that I was going to have a baby, my body was doing exactly what it was equipped to do: growing that baby.
The companion of this dualism has been sexism or patriarchy: men identify themselves essentially with the spirit (mind), while men identify women with the body (matter), and assume that the higher needs to control the lower.
Consciousness is the stuff that is instantiated by minds, while bodies, or physical things, instantiate spatially extended stuff, thereby being wholly devoid of experience and spontaneity (in the sense of final causation, self - determination in terms of ends).
He seemed to me to be exactly like a man who should begin by saying that I, Socrates, do all I do by mind, but who, when he went on to assign a cause for each of my actions, should say, first that I am sitting here now because my body is composed of bones and muscles, and that the bones are hard and divided by joints, while the muscles can be tightened and relaxed and, together with the flesh and the skin which contains it, cover the bones; and that therefore when the bones are raised in their sockets by the contraction or relaxation of the muscles, I am now able to bend my limbs; — and that that is the cause of my sitting here un prison] all huddled up.
This curtain seemed to be raised by a few inches in the nineteen twenties, in those heroic days when de Broglie and Schroedinger de-materialized matter like the stage magician who makes the lady vanish from the box, while Heisenberg (1969) eased her out of the straitjacket of determinism and proclaimed that the principle of complementarity agreed «very nicely» with the mind - body dualism — the implication being that the particle aspect of the electron was analogous to the body, its wave aspect to the mind.
For us, however, the split between mind and body is not a moral cleavage — i.e., the notion that the body is evil, while the mind or spirit is good.
Of course feminists also decry the corollary symbolism whereby man is seen essentially as mind and intellect, while woman is seen essentially as body and emotion.
While I have no known food allergies or intolerances I do find that my body and mind are happier and healthier when I eat veg, vegan, gluten, dairy and refined sugar free.
The ones that not only taste delicious, but while you're peacefully enjoying them, that little part in the back of your mind knows that you're doing something that's incredibly nourishing to your body and overall health.
«For us, the intertwined leaves represent the harmony between energy, humanity and spirituality, while celebrating the power of the mind, body and soul.»
And while we keep those sentiments in mind, we turn to this week's dinner plan which will keep all of our bodies and minds healtAnd while we keep those sentiments in mind, we turn to this week's dinner plan which will keep all of our bodies and minds healtand minds healthy.
This will rest the mind while the body repairs its skin and other tissues.
Learn how to build a wellness routine that works for you and your lifestyle to enhance your mind and body wellness while also enjoying yourself too.
«As parents, we understand the practical challenge of getting everyone out the door in the morning, not to mention pulling that off while managing to nurture kids» bodies and minds,» added co-founder Alexandra Buckley Voris.
While each recipient is unique in their various accomplishments and roles within the NICA community, they all share a strong belief in our core values of inclusivity, fairness, equality and a desire to strengthen body, mind and character thru cycling.
Odyssey Volleyball Club provides another opportunity for Junior Girls to participate in a sport and belong to a Club that will not only help them develop their fundamentals of the game but also develop character, respect, integrity, of mind and body, in an attempt to reach their potential both on and off the court while having fun and making new friends that share their love of volleyball.
If you keep this concept in mind while you train and push your limits while integrating a good diet, you'll see fat slide off your body.
Because sleep allows your body and mind to rest, restore, and repair, while poor sleep can lead to fatigue, weight gain, depression, anxiety, poor concentration, increased body pain, and a general feeling of being unwell.
My body feels stronger than it has for a while, my mind feels ready to be creative and I'm getting a few hours of sleep every night.
My mind went to some pretty crazy places while pumping, because looking down and seeing parts of your body getting rhythmically squeezed in and out of plastic tubing is the stuff that nightmares are made of.
At the end of the day, what matters most is that your child is in the hands of a person or daycare provider that you trust to look after the mind, body and spirit of your child while you're at work.
Home birth, mind turned off and body took over, wise midwife, birth partner protected and supported space and mother, laboring while in shower and bath.
You could even simply listen to a song you love daily while consciously relaxing; this practice will create a relaxation association in your mind and when you play that song in a cesarean (or during labor), your mind and body will respond by relaxing.
Gaskin presides over a large multi-faceted business empire comprised of trade, propaganda and lobbying organizations, all with one purpose in mind: allowing uneducated women like herself to provide substandard medical care to pregnant women while ignoring the growing pile of tiny bodies.
Playing «school» is a great way to get bodies and minds moving while keeping those creative juices flowing.
Because children also grow while they are sleeping, getting sufficient sleep is vital for the development of their minds and bodies.
«The heart's journey begins with a call, an invitation from the soul to: speak authentically; open one's heart, body and mind; do what needs to be done next; and love oneself all the while
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