Sentences with phrase «minds of one's clients»

The entire team at our clinic is devoted to the health and wellbeing of our patients, as well as the convenience and peace of mind of our clients.
Deciding thank you and positive states of mind of its clients free online dating site in uk were divorced.
Unless we lawyers can win over the hearts and minds of clients by showing that we can bring value to basic transactions without much added cost, then even if lawyers manage to win a UPL case, we still lose in the long run.
Sophere aims to bring these things into the conscious mind of clients so they can view the world in a more cerebral way and feel empowered live how they want to.
«Use them to cultivate a presence in the minds of clients
With this tactic, the company gets into the minds of its clients.
All in all, it was an excellent chance to hear what's on the minds of our clients.
It's a very big, important step that's repositioned us in the minds of our clients, who now see us from a different perspective.
One of the most valuable aspects of law firm marketing is the ability to create a perception of value in the mind of your client.
You also run the risk of violating ethical requirements and creating doubt in the mind of your clients.
Positioning is the place you hold in the mind of your client.
Branding is what sets you apart from your competition and creates a graphic shortcut to you in the minds of your clients and potential clients alike.
They do everything described above but in addition they truly attempt to get «inside the mind of their client
A powerful image that tells your story could sear your legal brand in the minds of clients.
The job description of the public relations account executive entails creating a positive impression in the minds of clients towards the company they are representing.
Create an everlasting impression in the minds of the clients, so that they will recommend our excellent services to their business associates.
Companies need branding strategies to stamp their name and products permanently onto the minds of their clients.
As a divorce mediator, you might think that gratitude is not the first thing on my mind nor the minds of my clients.
Although not fully understood transference is often the result intense and prolonged exposure to something or someone that make an indelible mark on the mind of the client.
I find it an honor and privilege to be able to enter into the hearts and minds of my clients.
By addressing the environmental concerns that are prominent in the minds of their clients.
Possibly what goes through the mind of the client is that: WHOOPS!!!
Mastering what is in the minds of our clients comes from not pre-judging them on first introduction.
It seems the article has focused the minds of our clients and we've had requests for more information on what the Amendment Act means for both landlords and tenants.
As a result of the controversy, if the question of an assignment now arises, even for perfectly valid reasons, «it's going to raise question marks in the mind of the client, even if everything is completely above board,» says Cooper.
The Work by Referral System not only helps you become consistent with your lead generation and marketing activities, it also allows you to leverage the components of the system — monthly Marketing Flyers and eReports, phone calls, personal notes and Pop - By's — to show your expertise and remain on the minds of your clients.
It also entrenches the agent's name in the mind of their clients, making them more likely to mention their agent to others.
In Stand - out Strategies: Marketing Tactics that Deliver on Differentiation, Baris and his panelists will hone in on cutting - edge, innovative strategies that are sure to ring loudly in the minds of clients and prospects.
This article should be forwarded to the educrats at ORE, to be taught verbatim to newbies and veterans alike... it is that important toward establishing credibility on the parts of Realtors in the minds of their clients.
This would be an amazing gift that will ingrain itself in the mind of your client for a long time.
He speaks of exploring the hearts and minds of his clients in the info - gathering stage and of how evoking an emotional response is more important than a flashy presentation.
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