Sentences with phrase «minds of the general public»

If it is to ever matter again in the minds of the general public, it's going to have to change into a company that oozes fun.
Imagine a time when the word «foyer» no longer brings images of lobbies to the mind of the general public but rather signifies a «place where I once spent five amazing days in silent retreat».
In the mind of the general public, the image of twinship is based on physical similarity.
To some, the latest version improves on a word — «incontrovertible» — that seems to conflict with the basic nature of science, but to others the change could sow confusion in the minds of the general public.
What do you think resonates in the minds of the general public when a scientist says he wants to clone stem cells?
This is partly down to a general desire for transparency, but it is also due to the rise of radical anti-GM activists, who have begun using tactics similar to those that helped destroy the prospects for GM technologies in Europe 20 years ago: chiefly, sowing doubt in the minds of the general public.
A famous tobacco industry document from 1969 spells out the strategy succinctly: «Doubt is our product, since it is the best means of competing with the «body of fact» that exists in the mind of the general public.
After the demotion of the world he had devoted much of his career to studying, Stern and some like - minded colleagues went to war with the IAU to win the hearts and minds of the general public.
I agree that there shouldn't be much of a difference in the mind of the general public, but for some reason the buzz around G.I. Joe is very different from Transformers.
Apple may not be the only company making a good tablet any more, but it was certainly the first and it definitely takes credit for opening up the minds of the general public to the idea that, yes, a tablet just might have a place in their lives.
«Doubt is our product, since it is the best means of competing with the «body of fact» that exists in the mind of the general public.
Your comments, along with others in the North American oilpatch have given geology and geologists a very bad name in the minds of the general public.
Telling quotes «Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the «body of fact» that exists in the mind of the general public... Victory will be achieved when... recognition of uncertainty becomes part of the «conventional wisdom».»
The danger in «positive» results is that they can ingrain falsehoods both in the knowledgebase of science itself, and also in the minds of the general public.
«Doubt is our product,» Brown & Williamson stated in an internal memo in 1969, «since it is the best means of competing with the «body of fact» that exists in the mind of the general public
An infamous 1969 memo from a tobacco executive read: «Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the «body of fact» that exists in the minds of the general public.
In the minds of the general public, uncertainty typically reads as doubt, and Curry knows that.
The approach was aptly described by one tobacco company executive: «Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the «body of fact» that exists in the mind of the general public.
The title of Michaels» book comes from a 1969 memo from a tobacco company executive: «Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the «body of fact» that exists in the minds of the general public.
In the mind of the general public there is little room for sympathy or leniency to be extended to those charged with sex crimes.
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