Sentences with phrase «minds of their followers»

I'm sure that there was no question in the minds of the followers of any of the mythic gods either, just as there is no question in the minds of modern day Muslims and Hindus, right?
Or, if in a position of religious leadership, they fear that those who ask questions will raise doubt in the minds of their followers.
It really is amazing to see how those who want to maintain the grip of religion on the minds of its followers have made faith a virtue, instead of the vice that it actually is.
It was one of the many question marks which (as the gospel credibly inform us) things that Jesus said and did imprinted on the minds of his followers.
Burns and Novick know that what happens on the field makes baseball interesting — and what happens in the hearts and minds of its followers is what makes it great.
By doing so, you'll imprint and cement your brand and expertise on the minds of your followers.

Not exact matches

While there are exceptions — a certain president comes to mind — hardcore violations of Twitter's terms of service are usually the work of so - called eggs (i.e., users who have the default avatar because they never bothered to choose one) and other anonymous trolls with follower counts in the dozens.
That way, you may be top of mind when your followers start thinking about whom to recommend.
Doing so enables you stay top of mind with your followers by being visible and making thoughtful contributions on posts from others.
I'm not a fan of modern - day christianity and the close - minded nature of some of its followers, but if this kid has found some peace with his lot in life due to his relationship with this church, I'm not going to hate on it.
Keep in mind that all of Jesus's followers were Jewish, meaning they knew Judaism quite well and were very familiar with the Passover.
Rather than finding a good community of like - minded Christ followers, the desire for community, acceptance and belonging can lead Christians into communities that draw them away from Christ and not towards Him.
Labeling is often an effective way for bullies to implant doubts, to discount the truth that is told by others, to reinforce denial in the hearts and minds of their own followers.
Thanks Dave, there are like minded followers of Jesus out there.
Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and other like - minded apostles of social change, and their followers, have been effective in challenging the prevailing power structure because they did not merely appeal to reason and high purposes.
More and more, I find myself wondering if church sprung out the minds / needs / traditions of the early Christ followers who needed community while facing persecution.
Mark himself pictures the dismay of his followers as they went toward Jerusalem; (Mark 10:32) if Professor Turner was right, there is pictured too the strain and tension that filled Jesus» own mind as he advanced at the head of his band of disciples.
And the implications of what the church REALLY is only becomes more and more of an indictment of what the church (in many cases) has become in the minds of supposed Christ followers.
That being said, as a follower of Christ I always try to adhere to my best behavior no matter where I am, alone or in public, and I keep that in the forefront of my mind lest I be judged like the restaurant patrons you have described in this article despite the fact I don't do any of these things (i.e. t shirt, bible, leaving pamphlets in lieu of tip, etc...) Will I become a better tipper after reading this?
Christians on both sides, but especially the pro-slavery side, urged followers to simply abide by the «plain meaning» of biblical texts and not allow complicated, nuanced argumentation to cloud their mind.
Mind you that the number of Pope's followers is several thousands times greater than the number of Conservative Jews.
In response to our coordinate efforts for Mutuality 2012, I have heard from women who say they feel their dignity and worth have been restored, from multiple readers who have changed their minds about women in ministry, from couples relieved that they can finally put a name to how their relationship has functioned all along, from singles freshly inspired by the «great cloud of witnesses» that surrounds them, from followers of Jesus whose passion for justice and equality has been renewed, from women ready to «get on with it» and stop asking permission to use their gifts and start unapologetically using them.
The trilogy's rebel angels and her witches have been the followers of wisdom (Sophia), she tells Mary Malone, and «have always tried to open minds; the Authority and his churches have always tried to keep them closed.»
Rick, Answer, All atheists goons — Word Satan and Jenifer means, atheist, followers of Mohammad, filthy follower of truth absolute, self centered, with mind set of a dog, a secular.
So then, QM and Relativity require a sentient being outside the universe to make the universe real; even though the NAZI and their like minded followers of today dispute Einstein's finding.
The more the politican talks about relegion, the further away I go... I'm Catholic, but I'm not a follower, I have a mind of mine own and I will do what I think is right...
They same can be said about saying the Christianity is a protection racket that builds dogmatic closed minded followers who will willfully turn from fact in favor of faith.
Fundamentalism, he said, «represents a mind - set confined within one Prophet, one Book, a single way of worship» which by nature led to the «concept of believers going to heaven and nonbelievers going to hell, with a religious duty cast upon its followers to convert the rest by any means whatsoever» (Indian Express?
The idea, therefore, of a covenant as the foundation charter (so to speak) of the people of God was very much alive at the time, and there can be no doubt what Jesus had in mind when he invited his followers to drink of the cup of the covenant: he was formally installing them as foundation members of the new people of God.
Well Chris, the first part of your comment revealed your mind, which is one thing, but then the second part where you say «little followers» showed your heart, which is entirely another.
Only in this way will his followers have the «mind» of Christ.
A great light of religion shone on the minds of the hearers of Peter, so that they were not satisfied with a single hearing or with the unwritten teaching of the divine proclamation, but with every kind of exhortation besought Mark, whose Gospel is extant, seeing that he was Peter's follower, to leave them a written statement of the teaching given them verbally, nor did they cease until they had persuaded him, and so became the cause of the Scripture called the Gospel According to Mark (49).
Of course, the problem there is that if god is invisible and personal, speaking to his followers only through there heart and minds, then there's no evidence to any outside observer that any atrocity is not good and right and commanded by god.
I do feel commissioned by our Lord to make disciples (of Him mind you, rather than a follower of a certain man or denomination).
Its a money scam, A control scam a power scam and plenty of ignorant weak minded followers who send them money.
As a result, Prof. Cole makes Yoder's pacifism appear to be constituted by individual pacifists in enclaves of the similarly minded, rather than the presence of a global community of followers of Jesus opposed to the use of force on behalf of, or in opposition to, particular nations precisely because it is transnational.
You know I think not all those accounted to Islam or Islamic countries are real Muslim in practice but Muslim only by Coding as by land or family of birth... but they contain all those you might know in beliefs or in disbliefs in their inner soul, heart, mind, that's why we were told we will be judged by our intentions and not by being accounted for religions as followers...
Jesus, the Master Storyteller, knew He had to prepare His followers for the unexpected — even for those things that, to their minds, would seem disastrous but were part of God's overall plan.
It's pretty indicting stuff as I saw myself in this post regarding wanting the «immediacy of their god», the magic of everything being supernatural and having that built in «family» of like minded followers.
Please keep in mind that this is the same god that destroyed two cities, whole generations of children, and then the entire planet with water, he also asks one of his most devout followers to slay his son... now that STORY says that an angle stopped Abraham but again, stories are told to teach morals not necessarily to speak the truth.
But we, as followers of Jesus, must continue the work He started in spreading the rule and reign of God across the entire earth and into the hearts and minds of every person.
Incidentally, the quality of mind and character of this journal's senior editor, Reinhold Niebuhr, that makes the deepest imprint on younger followers is the contempt he shares with John Milton for «a fugitive and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary, but slinks out of the race where that immortal garland is to be run for, not without dust and heat.»
It also explains why in America appeals like Hovey's or York's to the exemplary nature of the martyrs don't make immediate sense; in most people's minds, the only people who die for their faith are delusional and suicidal figures like Jim Jones, founder of the People's Temple, and more than 900 of his followers.
It was not some spiritual resurrection in the confused minds of befuddled disciples, but the man from Nazareth who arose bodily from the tomb and appeared to talk and eat with his discouraged, frightened followers.
Of course, people change their minds and God calls his followers to new places.
Christian mean «follower of christ», so with that in mind what would you think that means?
Along with Kant's most conservative followers, Royce argued that the existence of mental categories shows that the material substance of the world must be ruled over by an Absolute Mind, which is fully as active and independent in its universal sphere as human minds are in theirs.
So I know I got off track a bit, but what I was trying to say is there are more religious books than just the Bible and Koran, and even the followers of those two can't make up their mind what the most important teachings of them are.
In fact, it is the uniformity of opinion of those that believe in Jehovah / Allah / God that allows us to know the Mind and Character of His Person, since he touches all His Followers to lead lives of love, mercy, kindness and compassion, the power of His Transforming Touch evident now in, say, Syria, Israel or the United States.
It calls for an end to all authoritarian models of truth, including, in my mind, the model of the ordained minister or priest, who inevitably stands in the same relationship to the laity as does the divine image of God in Jesus to the followers of God.
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