Sentences with phrase «minds than bodies»

Being an entrepreneur is often more taxing on the mind than the body, so a brilliant idea and exceptional organization skills can ensure the creation of business regardless of the physical condition of the innovator.

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Forward - thinking minds in science and tech are integrating high - tech device and human body and going further than ever.
A knowledge that your so - called «lowest point» actually isn't, and that your body and mind have a lot more to give than you initially believe is quite similar to the Navy SEAL's 40 percent rule for incredible resilience, which I've covered here before.
Physical awareness keeps your consciousness focused on your body rather than your mind.
But at the core it's about more than just physical health; it's about developing a healthier community with healthier minds and bodies and relationships with one another.
Success in investing could be a consequence of having a healthy body and mind, rather than a cause of it.
That is: the mind caught in an alien body; the not - quite - genius nerd who's «the king of foreplay» or will do anything to «get laid» and, really, anything to have a relational life with a pretty girl; the highly erotic metrosexual who turns the whole cosmos into a romantic tale that has room for appreciating «The Good Wife»; the guy who is better than he says (but still genuinely short on manliness), but who is creepy in his ingenuity when it comes to using his robotic gadgets for personal satisfaction.
Rather than viewing it as a sign of sin or mistrust, let's view it as a temporary messenger, designed to slow us down and reorient our minds, bodies and souls towards the peace and the freedom that Christ promised.
It says more about the power of the human mind over the human body than it does about prayer itself.
can be nothing other than an effort at snake - oil seduction of flabby - bodied and flabby - minded people who think of God as a senile Grandfather, by whose indulgent grace they can pray their weight away rather than dieting and exercising.
There are few greater thrills for the Christian than to see people touched by the power of God and healed in their bodies and minds.
We have too often sought God logically in the «left brain» rather than expanding our use of the right hemisphere of the brain where intuitive, prayerful, loving, visual thinking occurs — where we pray, believe, love and develop a consciousness of the total mind - body - spirit relationship.
All the habitual pursuits of the ego and appetites are suspended... I love the wilderness because when all these pursuits of mind and body have been shed, what remains — insofar as this is attainable in our mortal condition — is an unencumbered soul, with no other concern than to look for God.1
In any case, it will be evident by now that the relationship between God and the created order is much more like that between the human mind and the human body, as we commonly conceive it, than it is like that between an earthly ruler and his subjects.
... Thus personal minds (each with its history of experiences) and enduring bodies finally appear in the philosophy of organism, but as variable complexes rather than metaphysical absolutes.
In that way «minds» are more real than «bodies
Much more recently Eldridge Cleaver has pointed out that the splitting tendency in American culture, which we have traced back to the early Puritans, tended to make the white man a mind without a body and the black man a body without a mind.20 Only when the white man comes to respect his own body, to accept it as part of himself, will he be able to accept the black man's mind and treat him as something other than the living symbol of what he has rejected in himself.
Yet we all know that the body and the mind (or soul) are both so much ourselves that we can say with the poet that it is hard to tell «whether soul helps body more than body soul».
The so - called scandals involve incidents that never occurred — other than in the minds of those seeking to slander and malign the body of Christ on earth.
I think keeping ideals in mind is very good to keep us humble and hungering for more, but the risk is that people then appoint themselves apostles and church planters to the body of christ global and defend their expression of church as touching on gods purpose more than anyone else.
It is something of a Christian way of getting around the «body «mind» duality that tends to honor the mind more than the flesh, as if flesh is a mere husk to be discarded, as if our bodies themselves are not God's first gift to each of us.
Lowen reminds us that the blocks and the resources for growth are in our bodies as well as our minds: «Personality is much broader than consciousness....
People's minds can't imagine themselves as anything above and beyond their physical bodies, and their experiences as anything other than products of their brains.
But for our present purpose, it is enough to say that when we are thinking about the last things, our thought must include much more than human existence and human personality in its body - mind totality, even in its social relationships.
His desperation of mind and body were poured out: «It seems that that demon, which till now has beaten me with fists, has given up as if broken by your prayers)... instead another one has followed which will wear down my body... I would rather tolerate this torture of the flesh than that executioner of the spirit.»
The man who is shaped and molded by his continuing participation in the round of Christian liturgical worship is the man who comes gradually to be informed by the spirit which animates and governs the liturgy — and that spirit is nothing other than response to the gospel of Christ, made known and communicated through the preaching of the gospel, but not through verbal symbols alone; the response becomes effective through the whole action which includes mind and body, will and emotions, in an offering to God in union with his brethren.
His teaching deals with the mind and body, it is psychology more than religion.
In fact, such texts, most of which date no earlier than the late second century, favor an extreme dualism between spirit and body and offer little consolation for those hoping to celebrate the sexual passions that are so much on Brown's mind.
The author's goal is to make sense of the reality which is bigger than we are and of utmost importance for the health of our body and mind.
«The Presbytery of Springfield, sitting at Cambridge, in the County of Bourbon, being through a gracious Providence in more than ordinary bodily health, growing in strength and size daily, and in perfect soundness and composure of mind; but knowing that it is appointed for all delegated bodies once to die, and considering that the life of every such body is very uncertain, do make, and ordain this our last Will and Testament... We will, that this body die, be dissolved, and sink into union with the Body of Christ at large; for there is but one Body and one Spirit, even as we are called in one hope of our callbody is very uncertain, do make, and ordain this our last Will and Testament... We will, that this body die, be dissolved, and sink into union with the Body of Christ at large; for there is but one Body and one Spirit, even as we are called in one hope of our callbody die, be dissolved, and sink into union with the Body of Christ at large; for there is but one Body and one Spirit, even as we are called in one hope of our callBody of Christ at large; for there is but one Body and one Spirit, even as we are called in one hope of our callBody and one Spirit, even as we are called in one hope of our calling.
N.T. Wright no more likened same - sex «marriage» advocates to Nazis and Communists than I am likening her to a planetary body in the following analogy: as the moon orbits the earth, so the mind of Ms. Moon orbits an empty space devoid of logic.
I suggest that this process of the reintegration (at levels of increasing complexity) of conceptual and physical feelings resulting in self - consciousness is equivalent to Niebuhr's concept of «spirit,» which he apparently conceives of as something more than body and mind.
It is much easier to be another voluntary organization of open - minded people than to be the Body of Christ in which members assume responsibility for one another's faith and morals.
we all tend to fear what we do not know - rather than take someone else's word for it explore for yourself - take a yoga class at the Y or the local yoga studio - tune into your own experience - your own feelings - yoga is NOT a religious practice and never has been - it is a process of yoking (yoga means to yoke or to join) body and mind - when body and mind are integrated we experience the NOW - peace - and that leads the to experience of ONEness - we are all connected - I am you, you are me - be love my loves - be love...
This has two unfortunate results: it makes the regnant society, or as we would perhaps more loosely say, «the mind,» into an «ego» — in which case the self becomes less a «lived - body» than a Cartesian cogito — and it gives the presiding occasion of the regnant society the impossible, or at least, improbable, job of coordinating all bodily data all the time, pre-reflectively and reflectively, into an organizational unity.
It is not a glorification of it, but rather a reminder that you can overcome the pains of the mind, body and soul because there exists something far greater than this veil of tears.
They also provide ways of understanding the relation of «mind» and «body» that are more satisfying than other alternatives.
Less prominent than the League of Nations, but issuing more clearly from Christianity, has been the Institute of Pacific Relations, an unofficial body for the study of the problems of the Pacific, with the purpose of bringing the leading minds of all the nations involved to bear upon their peaceful solution.
I drink this as well as classic green juices, but I find that in the winter a mug of this is more nurturing and soothing for the mind and body than a cold green juice can be.
But what could possibly be more important than the fuel we use to run our bodies and minds?
Through nutrition, yoga and meditation, it focuses on treating the individual as a whole rather than a specific issue or disease, so that you can achieve balance and good health, not only in your physical body, but also in your mind and spirit.
I've been blogging for nearly 7 years and it's become more than I ever dreamed of but taking a little time away now and then is good for the mind, body and soul.
«Coming from a background with a focus on healthy body and mind through yoga, meditation and Ayurveda (natural medication), there could be nothing better than offering a healthy environment and healthy food to the community,» Seema says.
Hippie Lane the Cookbook, is so much more than a compilation of delicious recipes and a few healthy tips, Taline focuses on the power of food and the beauty of gathering loved ones together to celebrate a passion of wholesome cooking that can nourish the body, mind and soul.
But in our view conservation goes far deeper than that; it means to the civilized land what fitness means to the educated body, and in essence what the idea of sport itself means to the human spirit: a wholeness of mind and body.
Well, I would not mind RS since rather than letting Sanchez go with no body in as Wenger is not active on the in side.
Body heals faster than the mind sometimes.
Just as my dad and his aquatic cronies «enjoyed getting better as time tries to pass them by,» I, too, was realizing that physical limitations often are a state of mind and that most of us have more control over our lives — and bodiesthan we assume.
There is little better for the body, mind, and spirit than a great taekwondo (TKD).
My body feels stronger than it has for a while, my mind feels ready to be creative and I'm getting a few hours of sleep every night.
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