Sentences with phrase «mine as a psychologist»

This «self - efficacy,» as psychologists refer to it, can motivate people to take on tasks that other people would deem impossible, and to stick with them even when the going gets tough.
As a psychologist and native of Denmark, I've looked into this question.
«The fact that solitude enables people to daydream and reflect on their lives also means that it's associated with self - transformation, as psychologists Christopher Long and James Averill note in their theoretical paper «Solitude: An Exploration of Benefits of Being Alone» (paywall),»» Cooper points out.
What the public doesn't know is there are individuals who are independent contractors, such as psychologists, therapists, independent nurses, etc..
Mark Zuckerberg Trained for the Congressional Grilling Exactly as Psychologists Recommend When the Stakes are High
As psychologists have pointed out, traditional interviews produce a subjective, acutely narrow view of a job candidate.
But, as any psychologist will tell you, it's not always easy to recognize when you're parentalizing.
In 1983, he was employed as the psychologist for Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys.
As a psychologist, I tend to notice how many people attribute others» behavior and reactions (or even general life events) to their own actions.
But as a psychologist, I am deeply worried about the rapidly escalating levels of anger in our world — what's particularly disturbing is our increasing sense of entitlement to express it in aggressive or hurtful ways.
As the interview progressed, Gurney experienced what she knew, as a psychologist, was a panic attack.
As a clinician, he teaches as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCSF Medical School, and practices as a psychologist focusing on executive coaching.
However as psychologist will tell you, the more intelligent someone is, the less likely they will become trapped in these religious beliefs.
You missed the boat by not asking, as a psychologist, when your beloved cousin made the conscious decision to be a lesbian.
As a psychologist (Les) and a marriage and family therapist (Leslie), married since 1984, we don't claim to have a perfect relationship.
But as psychologist and author Dan Allender explains, «The problem with the «focus on God alone» trope is that it is not the primary message of Scripture... It is not that we are to focus on God and thus achieve mental health, it is that God enters the fray of mental complexity and makes His home not only among us but in us.»
But the problem is frequently much more difficult, as psychologists (Jung) and social philosophers (Nietzsche, Sorel, Pareto, Spengler) have shown that the analysis of the social conditioning of ideas and convictions, though in itself not entitling to decisions as to their validity or invalidity, may contribute to the realization of the partial character of views or intentions expressed in them.
The poet and artist, as well as the psychologist, sometimes make use of an association of symbols quite different from that of controlled scientific and philosophical thought.
In his work as a psychologist, Dr. Mark W. Baker has found that chronic feelings of shame have caused more problems than any other feeling.
Outside support such as psychologists and counselors are seen to be ungodly and full of «the wisdom of men» and anyone who sees someone is treated with suspicion.
Ms Tolmie - McGrane, who later went to Glasgow University and now works in Norway as a psychologist, told the inquiry she was at Smyllum from 1968 until 1979.
as a psychologist... one would have to know the cultural aspect of the client as well... that's why I brought in the BIble... she was delusional... also she would have showed other signs of delusions (if I remembered correctly she showed several - this case was quite a while back)
He ought to do so with plain, reportorial force, and he ought to do it not as a psychologist, internist, or time - study expert — but as a churchman within the context of a convocation traditionally concerned with the practical wellbeing of the churches.
It would seem, therefore, that, as a psychologist, the natural thing for me would be to invite you to a descriptive survey of those religious propensities.
Personally, I prefer not to read Dostoevsky as a psychologist at all, while still acknowledging the genius of his phenomenology of certain extreme states of spiritual perturbation.
As psychologist Naomi Weisstein declares: «Women's liberation is part of a movement toward a just and humane society, a society in which no human being will be forced into a servant role.
As a psychologist, I continued to try to help people find meaning in their lives.
Depth of loving is our best human possibility — even if now and again (as psychologists tell us) it is of the love - hate variety.
Just remember: The first to take on Jesus as a psychologist, though not as a medically trained psychopathologist, was the German scholar and philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, one of the greatest critics of Christianity (who ended up suffering an irreversible mental breakdown himself) People do not willingly die for a lie.
But if you, being orthodox Christians, ask me as a psychologist whether the reference of a phenomenon to a subliminal self does not exclude the notion of the direct presence of the Deity altogether, I have to say frankly that as a psychologist I do not see why it necessarily should.
And as any psychologist will tell you, the more you focus on something, even if it is focusing on trying not to do something, the harder it is to not do what you are focusing on.
I've spent my career as a psychologist researching connections between faith and disaster resilience.
His wife trained as a psychologist and lectured at the Jung Institute, which was established in 1948.
Again, he does not attempt to describe this faith as a psychologist might.
As psychologist James Bugental has said: «It's as much the nature of human beings to dream the impossible dream as to scurry around for selfish gain.»
As psychologist Gordon W. Allport puts it, the person begins «to live in accordance with an adequate frame of value and meaning, and to enlarge and energize that frame.»
If I am looking (btw, as a psychologist) for factors that may predict a QB I don't want, I am looking for (not necessarily in this order): his athletic skills, his percentage completions, his arm, (basically QB tangibles) and then (maybe) the kinds of things that DO predict trouble later on, e.g. legal violations, drug use, steroid use, assaults, mistreatment of men and women, cheating in college, failure to attend meetings, classes, and practice, flagrant defiance of coaches» directions.
Perhaps I should also explain that as a psychologist, I see far too many clients (children, adolescents, and adults) who came from pretty good homes (and some who didn't) who suffer from a range of anxiety related or depression related issues.
Or, as psychologist Robert Rodriguez, author of What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking?
Again and again, among the families I treat as a psychologist, I see a disconnect between the skill set that parents are pushing (compete like crazy, get good grades, over-prep for tests, go to a prestigious college, make lots of money) and the assets and attitudes that actually bring young people success in college, at work, in relationships, and in life.
«Nevertheless, the same sexual strategies used by our ancestors operate today with unbridled force,» as the psychologist David Buss put it in The Evolution of Desire (2003).
As psychologist Rudolf Dreikurs said, «A child needs encouragement like a plant needs water.»
Of all the people who get married, only three in ten remain in healthy, happy marriages, as psychologist Ty Tashiro points out in his book The Science of Happily Ever After, which was published earlier this year.
Keya uses her background as a Psychologist and Yoga Teacher to help mothers take excellent care of themselves FIRST, so that they can be excellent moms to their kids.
If you really can't get them to own it or rectify that this is a problem, take them to get professional help, such as a psychologist.
As a psychologist I can't begin to tell you how many breastfeed anyway to hide their need for the meds and to not want to be a bottle feeding mother.
As a psychologist working with moms that are pregnant after a previous loss, I hear about what goes well and what is appreciated when working with a provider as well as what might have been experienced as more harmful.
As psychologist Laura Markham notes, ``... no one ever really «triggers» you.
A mental health professional, such as a psychologist or licensed clinical social worker, may interview you and your teen to gather more information.
As much as psychologists research on the perfect parent style, I don't think there is a perfect model of how to raise a child.
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