Sentences with phrase «minimal amount of time»

The sign - backs happen fast and a deal is made in minimal amount of time.
Form my perspective, the ideal is to have multiple income producers that require minimal amount of my time (other than possibly setting up the «machine») that work for me.
However the battle music is terrible, but this is forgivable since you will be spending minimal amounts of time in combat.
This is so that anyone even remotely interested in either you as an author or your Kindle book (s) can have a launching point with which to learn more about you in as minimal amount of time as possible.
In an interview with Fast Company, Larson - Green explained, «Being lazy makes me more efficient, because I try to find ways that I can do the best work in the most minimal amount of time.
I felt right at home with the keyboard, taking almost no time to adjust to the minimal amount of time it took to move from key to key.
They are diversifying their acquisitions across many different business models, but usually only into businesses that take a minimal amount of time to manage.
But most of all, TheRedPin knew their agents wanted to be at the top of their game online while committing to the minimal amount of time.
It is vegan and delightful and requires a minimal amount of time on and off the grill.
Unfortunately, life's many obstacles can cause a mother to have to stop breastfeeding for a minimal amount of time.
The facts, options, and assumed consequences must be explicitly laid out so legislators can make informed decisions in the minimal amount of time typically available.
If I was Richie's Yoga Coach, I'd incorporate the following practices to enable him to come back to his peak performance as an athlete in the minimal amount of time possible.
Things like silicone oven mitts, utensils (spatulas, spoons), splatter guards, and pot holders should be fine given the minimal amount of time they are in contact with food.
The benefits will be maximal fat loss due to a ramping up your resting metabolism and fat burning enzymes, while building muscle, all in a minimal amount of time.
In short, perform a maximum amount of work in a minimal amount of time.
HIIT (high - intensity interval training) is amazing and can maximize results in a minimal amount of time.
The concept behind EDT is disarmingly simple — organize exercises, sets, and reps in such a way that you can perform a maximum amount of work in a minimal amount of time.
The combination of working muscles to failure and eliminating rest periods creates workout regimen that burns the maximum number of calories in a minimal amount of time, and most efficiently develops muscle tone and strength.
Plus a count - down timer is included to make sure you hold the stretch for the minimal amount of time.
You With all the doom and gloom news about the economy, there's never been a better time to make an extra paycheck online with a minimal amount of time and effort.
The school recommends a minimal amount of time during these days, so that students can go out and pursue other passions.
These slides can be slightly adapted in a minimal amount of time to fit to the lesson.
The only trouble I ran into with this car was that only a minimal amount of times the muffler would either rust out or flat out break, and the antenna that goes up and down every time the car starts.
Our Question of the Week: If you knew someone who wrote a book in a minimal amount of time, would it affect your purchasing decision?
It helps automate tasks and also allows you to handle more projects or accounts even with a minimal amount of time.
They are diversifying their acquisitions across many different business models, but usually only into businesses that take a minimal amount of time to manage.
Also, it is an unfortunate fact of the hectic pace of construction, that local building department inspectors are often overbooked with inspections, which results in their spending a minimal amount of time at the construction job site and important details may be overlooked.
For me, the minimal amount of time is well worth it.
In case you're unfamiliar, an auto title loan is a low - risk, short - term loan that is a safe and efficient way of obtaining extra money in a minimal amount of time.
Ideally, dogs will spend a minimal amount of time in the shelter environment.
We strongly suggest that you do it anyway for about two weeks (which is the minimal amount of time required for a change in cat behavior) to assess whether, by placing the box in the suggested places, the issue is fixed.
Due to the large number of orders that we process, your medication is always fresh, with a minimal amount of time spent on the shelf.
To clean your Dogs Teeth take such a minimal amount of time that there really is no excuse not to do it.
If not, you can cook a minimal amount of time, no more than 20 minutes.
Moreover, the 12 GB of GDDR5 memory will ensure that your games run very fast and you will spend a minimal amount of time trapped in loading screens.
Preparing a restaurant meal is all about maximum quality production in the minimal amount of time.
If you want to maximize the number of photos you can take with the minimal amount of time you'll have, you might want to heed the following tips for taking the perfect selfie that will ignite envy in your followers on Instagram.
Alike any other animal, the Human Being is programmed to spend a minimal amount of time considering his existence.
The consequences of even 1 degree Celsius of warming will be significant for humanity, but scientists believe we can preserve our ice sheets and most of our shorelines and ecosystems if we limit long - term warming to no more than 1 degree Celsius (short - term warming will inevitably exceed 1 degree Celsius but must exceed 1 degree Celsius for only a minimal amount of time).
Keepass has many other management tools, such as the ability to export and import passwords, but for the basic user it takes a minimal amount of time to go back through all of the current websites and applications where you use a password and make a new entry for that in your own encrypted database with Keepass.
But, given the minimal amount of time needed to locate and upload relevant images, it's certainly worth a shot.
Despite his injuries the Plaintiff lost a minimal amount of time from work by the time of trial.
Get up to speed on First Amendment issues, from the basics to cutting edge topics, in a minimal amount of time.
You need to get a wide selection of quotes to choose from and you need to get them with a minimal amount of time invested.
Collating Columbia Insurance Quotes for You NetQuote, a free online service, can help you collect and evaluate multiple quotes in a minimal amount of time.
Even if you don't use the default app all of the time, this shortcut makes for easy to capture photos in a minimal amount of time.
If you have spent even a minimal amount of time comparing various resume writing and career marketing firms, you have almost certainly recognized a major problem.
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