Sentences with phrase «minimal funds»

This is more of a challenge for veterinary practices when we have minimal funds for promotion and we are faced with more choices than ever to get the word out about our businesses.
But you can also get an account with minimal funds through one of the online trading companies that have cropped up.
Another priority is fossil preparation, which has received minimal funding; many dinosaur fossils remain in the plaster jackets used to ship them from the field.
I think better budgets for teachers, supplies, arts and music programs is a better use of what minimal funding there is for duration related endeavors.
With minimal funding and a skeletal coaching and playing staff, the side was promoted from the bottom tier of the Italian football pyramid last season.
At the same time, the rise in nondefense R&D is due entirely to the NIH increase, in a year when most other science and technology programs have seen only minimal funding changes from the prior year.
School districts are given minimal funds to cover not only food costs, but also equipment and labor
The producers have generally been able to procure only minimal funding from the church for programming and have been heavily dependent on public - service grants of time and facilities by stations and networks in order to continue their programming.
Disc One features a nice, solid, rain - streaked 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen transfer that shows the wear of its origins (a Spanish / Italian production on minimal funds and with time and subject limitations) yet acquits itself quite nicely and is arguably more lustrous than the Anchor Bay presentation.
Chicago Ventures doesn't disclose its investments, but Larkins says he's seeing more Midwest startups receive minimal funding in the early stages, as opposed to raising big funding rounds.
Alternatively, after funding increased over 5x for North American food tech startups from 2013 to 2014, 2015 saw fairly minimal funding growth year - over-year, increasing to $ 949M in 2015, led by 2 $ 100M + rounds to Blue Apron and Impossible Foods.
While Benitez had resigned himself to having minimal funds available for signings this month, he had pinned his faith in the takeover proving successful so he could land his top targets in the summer.
Eisenbach, who has raised minimal funds for his campaign, believes that James
State education officials in Kentucky last week celebrated a milestone for the state's 1990 school - reform law when Gov. Brereton C. Jones signed a budget requiring minimal funding cuts and lawmakers concluded a session marked by support for the landmark education program.
The president's budget proposal eliminated support for professional development and provided minimal funding for Title IV, Part A, Student Support and Academic Enrichment Programs.
As a busy family man with a two - hour daily commute, Pat is happy «knowing I have a broad - based diversified portfolio that is low - cost and contains minimal funds gives me great comfort (and no sleepless nights) that I don't have to worry about whether I am «winning» or «losing» vis - a-vis the market.
With 50 per cent investment in equities, minimal fund management charges and average returns of nine per cent, the New Pension Scheme is another good option.
I am proud of the fact that with minimal funding up front I was able to successfully launch TurboTenant.
An unspoken aspect of the agreement also appears to be that the state Republican Party will not make a serious effort to defeat the IDC — Republican challengers to Carlucci and other IDC members have generally been left to fend for, and fund, themselves, a dynamic that played out in 2016, as DePrisco received minimal funding or assistance from the state Republican Party.
Soldiering on with minimal funding, Schweitzer continued to hunt for the retention of living tissue longer than scientific theory might predict.
I remember watching a lot of him at Villarreal, who remain my favorite Spanish club, because of their sudden rise to prominence, with minimal funds, which unfortunately saw them getting relegated last year.
That was the purview of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, another federal regulator with minimal funding and difficulty retraining an experienced analyst corps.
For optimal appreciation, get a few friends to dish out the minimal funds required to download this XBLIG.
Path 2: there is no crisis, and minimal funding and responsibility to keep a watch to warn if one begins to arise is all that is needed.
Due to insurance «minor injuries category, the minimal funds were depleted rapidly.
Constructed partnership programs to effectively enhance existing marketing efforts resulting in a 10 - 20 % lift in revenue using limited resources and minimal funds.
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