Sentences with phrase «minimal sleep»

Sure, things might take a little longer to accomplish and I am operating on minimal sleep but it's all good and I would not trade this new experience for anything.
I guess my hubby and I are very lucky as we have been sleeping well along with babies, only 1 - 2 nights a week we operate on minimal sleep.
Trying to pump and take care of a small baby with minimal sleep was really hard but I had a goal in my mind: I was going to pump until I didn't have to give her any formula.
One way to accomplish this is for mother and baby to sleep together, allowing the infant easy access to the mother's breasts, and causing minimal sleep disturbance for the mother when her baby needs to nurse.
I would also regularly work very late into the night, functioning on minimal sleep.
The first one I went to was a Friday night after a long week at work and minimal sleep a few nights in a row.
It is not a reflection on you or your parenting style rather that crying and minimal sleep can cause stress.
Joe Lynch's shoot - em - up action vehicle Everly starring Salma Hayek certainly wasn't boring, I was just exhausted from going hard for five days on minimal sleep.
Prom dates might be nervous about picking up their dates, or overcome with excitement for the big night and therefore, they also may be running on minimal sleep.
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