Sentences with phrase «minimal stimulation»

A lot of dog owners leave their four - legged friends alone with minimal stimulation for up to 10 hours at a time.
These days build muscle by stimulating a group of motor units that would normally receive only minimal stimulation.
Mini-IVF ™ is our gentle and effective minimal stimulation IVF treatment and has been proven as effective as Conventional IVF.
For example, breeds with a high energy / work drive living with a sedentary family providing minimal stimulation...
Apart from editing Soundings (a task which I did not assume until 1967), I had minimal stimulation from teaching and professional conversation.
This is because they're the ones actually doing most of the work, while your lats are receiving minimal stimulation.
Our extensive experience with customized, minimal stimulation IVF treatments and customized IVF protocols allows us to create successful treatment options, and make responsive judgment calls that can only be made in the best infertility clinic in NYC.
For example, breeds with a high energy / work drive living with a sedentary family providing minimal stimulation are much more likely to suffer from anxiety, obesity, and other health issues, or may develop destructive behavior patterns.
Top fertility doctor in NYC, John Zhang MD has been recognized as a world's leader in his more gentle approach to assisted reproductive technology (ART), minimal stimulation IVF (Mini-IVF) and natural cycle IVF.
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