Sentences with phrase «minimize damage to your credit score»

Contacting your lender quickly can minimize damage to your credit scores while helping you qualify for a greater range of assistance options.
Here is some general advice that can help you manage a low credit limit in a way that minimizes any damage to your credit score:
Writing a letter of late payment after you have been late making your credit card or installment loan payment may be the best step toward minimizing damage to your credit score.
Normally these will drop your score by a few points each, but if you complete them all within a 14 - day period, they'll be recorded as a single credit pull on your report and you'll minimize any damage to your credit score.

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That said, it's wise to furnish a first credit card in a way that's most likely to enhance, rather than damage, credit scores and to minimize the possibility of unduly running up the household's credit card debt.
Her rule of thumb is to apply for four new cards every 90 days to «minimize the damage» to her credit score from having too many inquiries in a short period.
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