Sentences with phrase «minimum wage deal»

«This lousy minimum wage deal shows the power of the 1 %.
One of the unintended consequences of the new minimum wage deal: Fast food workers upstate could soon demand $ 100 more a week in pay than all other minimum wage employees in the region.
As further evidence, Donohue pointed to the disgraceful minimum wage deal, giving the lowest paid workers a small increase over three years but linking it to a business tax break that actually encourages the creation of more minimum wage jobs at the expense of low wage workers.
Krueger noted that things had been so rushed that the minimum wage deal wasn't correctly included in the ELFA bill, and the Legislature was required to do a chapter amendment to address that — an unusual move.
The tax cut was part of the minimum wage deal, and it would give a tax credit to any business that hires workers between the ages of 16 and 19.
Hawkins said that Cuomo actions to keep the Senate Republicans in power in order to support his austerity agenda are paying another dividend to his corporate donors in the minimum wage deal.
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party gubernatorial candidate who finished third in the 2010 win a ballot line for his party, blasted the minimum wage deal that Governor Cuomo has put together.
Cuomo went on to say that the minimum wage deal reached in 2013 wasn't enough.
Around the Capitol, reporters last night took to referring to the minimum wage deal as «Frankenwage» because it was a serious of policies all jammed awkwardly together, and also for a while there, simply refused to rise up and live, no matter how much gubernatorial energy (cajoling to outright threats of wage boards or loss of a pay raise, according to several lawmakers) was pumped into it.
Clinton joined Gov. Andrew Cuomo at a victory rally celebrating the $ 15 minimum wage deal in the state budget, even though she does not support a $ 15 minimum wage at the federal level.
The minimum wage deal expected to emerge from Albany may well include a variety of caveats, carve - outs and compromises, resulting in a patchwork of differing wages taking effect at different times in different regions and perhaps even exempting some professions.
The minimum wage board was announced today after Cuomo had delayed action for more than 14 months, despite being directed by lawmakers to provide a hike to food tip workers excluded from last year's minimum wage deal.
It's widely believed that the Republicans» acceptance of the minimum wage deal included a tacit agreement that Cuomo and the coalition of politically potent unions that supported it would sit on their hands in an April 19 special election to replace Skelos.
However, Cuomo has repeatedly thrown cold water on the idea of a minimum wage deal before the session ends next month.
The National Federation of Independent Business unsuccessfully urged senators simply to walk away from the minimum wage deal, and Conservative Party chairman Mike Long told Newsday, «I don't believe they got enough to match the damage they did with the minimum wage.»
They say the minimum wage deal could have been stronger if the Dems were in charge of the Senate and argue a host of other liberal issues that have been blocked could move forward.
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