Sentences with phrase «mining waste»

Today, her house sits directly below a 10 - story valley fill that contains two toxic ponds of mine waste comprised of run - off from the mine.
You recently voted for repeal of a rule, existing federal rule that was aimed at preventing coal mining waste from being dumped into streams and rivers.
As a result of mine waste, her well and ground water were contaminated, forcing her family to use bottled water for cooking and drinking.
The lake's largest tributary, the Selenga River, is increasingly polluted with mining waste water from Mongolia, and via air, pollutants reach the lake from the industrial region around Irkutsk.
But Newcrest has recently resumed placement of mine wastes in the unaffected tailings dam at Cadia, and has won approval to use an old, nearby mine pit as a temporary tailings dam.
Basins containing coal mine sludge and other mining waste streams are spread throughout Appalachia and pose significant risks to regional water quality.
He has had technical papers on mine waste management including uranium production sites, accepted for publication in Germany, Canada and the USA as well as by the European Union Nuclear Science and Technology Directorate.
On August 5 the EPA itself triggered the release of 3 million gallons of toxic mining waste water near Silverton, Colorado.
In 2009, thousands of gallons of bright - orange mine waste poured into Clear Creek, west of Denver.
We need to move beyond filling valleys with mountaintop mining waste and temporarily storing fly ash in containment ponds to a modern energy production process built upon sound science, environmental safety and economic common sense.»
Previously, mining companies had to obtain a permit to dump mining waste into streams.
Although the mining industry steadfastly claims uranium mining presents no significant risks of radioactive contamination, the fact that all of the Canyon's uranium mines are upstream of the Canyon floor makes contamination by mining waste inevitable.
Arsenic is seldom found in surface water in health threatening concentrations unless there is pollution source: a pesticide spill, a leaching mine waste heap, a chemical plant, or whatever.
Researchers at state universities in the Southeast are closing in on whether one of the region's biggest liabilities — coal mine waste — might become a valuable asset by supplying rare earth elements needed for clean energy and other applications.
The seismic and infrasound recordings suggest the two rock avalanches were similar in volume, but photos indicate the first slide contained more bedrock, while the second slide contained a higher proportion of mined waste rock — although both avalanches were predominantly bedrock.
«In the future,» he says, «I could see aquaponics setups ringing landfills,» mining their waste gas to produce food.
Arsenic, benzene, and other mining wastes contaminate the drinking water in many areas, which may be why Appalachia's cancer rates are abnormally high.
This very comprehensive and frequently updated site covers: Environmental and Health Impacts of Uranium Mining and Milling; Decommissioning of Uranium Mines and Mills; Reclamation of Uranium Mine Wastes and Uranium Mill Tailings.
This, if it happens, would be a sea change from the previous administration's EPA, which effectively wrote loopholes and exemptions into that law that allowed mining companies to evade longstanding regulations, sidestep basic Clean Water Act protections and dump their mountaintop removal mining waste directly into Appalachia's waters, contaminating drinking water supplies for communities and burying important streams.
Back in August the Animas River in southwestern Colorado turned orange for miles after millions of gallons of mine waste erupted from an inactive gold mine.
Citing mining waste as well as chemical dumping and emissions from industry as key polluters, the article provides an excellent examination of the many factors, including the shortfalls in the regulatory systems, contributing to the degradation of US drinking water supplies.
The company practices mountaintop removal mining, which is controversial because it reduces the height of mountains (sometimes by 600 to 800 feet), removes all vegetation and places mining waste or overburden into mountain streams, causing flooding, erosion, and water contamination.
Restoring Native Plants to Lake Superior Another important part of the project is restoring native plants to the once - barren and polluted Sand Point, a Lake Superior beach that the KBIC is restoring from the effects of old copper mining waste.
Americans deserve real safeguards from harmful mining waste — and the Office of Surface Mining should do much more to protect local communities.
Start - ups could use the flood of small, cheap satellites heading into orbit for everything from commercial data gathering to mining the waste in landfills
About the Author — Wm. Paul Robinson is Research Director of Southwest Research and Information Center where be has been an environmental analyst specializing in solid waste and mine waste management for 20 years.
This egregiously harmful coal mining practice, which decimates mountains and buries streams with mining waste, is linked to grave health threats for families and communities across the region.
«The B.C. Liberals have deregulated this industry, cutting mine inspections in half, and this is the result: 25 million cubic meters of mine waste pouring into Hazeltine Creek and Quesnel Lake,» said New Democrat leader John Horgan.
Severe harm would occur if the company is allowed to dump mining waste.
In December 2008, the Bush Administration approved a final rule that made it easier for coal companies to dump rock and other mine waste from mountaintop removal mining operations into nearby streams and valleys.
DUMPING WASTE In 2002, the Bush Administration changed the definition of «fill material» in the Clean Water Act to include toxic mining waste, which allowed coal companies to legally dump the debris, called «overburden» or «spoil,» into nearby valleys.
Indonesia is pressuring Rio Tinto and Freeport to dramatically reduce the amount of mine wastes they tip into rivers around their Grasberg c...
On Tuesday, the company said the environment ministry wants it to change the way it manages the disposal of mine waste, or tailings, at the world's second - biggest copper mine.
BANGKOK (AP)-- A landslide of a mound of mining waste has killed at least 14 people in northern Myanmar's jade mining region.
Indonesia is pressuring Rio Tinto and Freeport to dramatically reduce the amount of mine wastes they tip into rivers around their Grasberg copper mine.
Several Australian mining companies rethink their approach to mine waste, and find new applications in agriculture and other industries.
I worked in government and do land reclamation and environmental management, like writing prescriptions for the grass and clover to put on mine waste or how to grass the side of a road.
This experience related to international approaches to mine waste management and environmental policy development provided a strong foundation for consideration of the environmental problems observed at Baley and Krasnokamensk and concepts for their remediation.
At bottom is the town's most famous landmark, known locally as the Towers, two looming piles of mine waste.
The proposed pipeline comes just 3 years after the terrible Mount Polley mine disaster, where water and slurry with years worth of mining waste were released into Polley Lake.
The coal industry and the state of West Virginia challenged the veto, asserting that EPA could only block a permit before issuance — even though the law specifically gives the EPA the authority to veto a mining waste discharge «whenever» it would have adverse environmental impact.
The Clean Water Act requires miners to neutralize he acidity of and remove metals from mine waste.
Sites like these — bare, flattened areas, filled with mining waste — have become permanent toxic scars on landscapes and communities throughout central Appalachia.
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