Sentences with phrase «ministry positions»

And after losing our ministry positions at the church and feeling like hope was gone only to look out in my garden and see... a lovely Junco (small gray bird) building a nest in my huge beautiful garden pot....
Ever determined to remain in control, Mugabe still managed to retain most of the power by controlling security forces and choosing leaders for the most vital ministry positions.
But don't forget that every day, there are very real Christian women who are discouraged from pursuing ministry positions, dream jobs, or equal partnerships with their spouses because of how the Bible is used to manage and regulate women.
There are people who contact me to inform me that there are a lot of women in ministry, and that there are denominations who accept women into their ministry positions.
... The exclusion of women from official ministry positions leaves women generally under the impression that there is something wrong with them.
A one in ten minority in society and an even smaller minority in the church (for obvious reasons) and an even smaller minority of ministers (as we are generally denied ministry positions) means that straight people will have to come around at some point before things really improve.
«The way forward is for the church to identify and support gifted women, partnering with them via theological training and commissioned ministry positions.
Many of my friends think it's weird how I avoid organizations and official ministry positions like the plague.
Usually when we pray this Christian prayer, we think that God is going to send us into high profile ministry positions, places of honor and glory, and opportunities to be heard.
Also (and this fits with # 1 above), when we pray this prayer, we will often be faced with a choice between two ministry positions, one that leads to honor, glory, and fame, and one that leads to obscurity and insignificance.
I once heard Francis Schaeffer say in an interview that if given the choice between two ministry positions, we should choose the one with less fame and glory.
They are the equivalent of elders, whether acclaimed by others in a church or ministry, or self - proclaimed through publications, speaking engagements, and ministry positions.
Unfortunately, her reply is little more than a show of concern for herself and her friends, and the fact that we are once again faced with an accused person in a ministry position who spews indigation without the slightest attempt to engage by offering counterpoints or supported statements lends still more credibility to Julie's account.
We're throwing a little send - off party for our pastor and his family, who made the difficult decision to move to south Florida where a new youth ministry position awaits.
I recently left my ministry position.
I am still looking for another ministry position but in the meantime, I'd love to put my degree (Communications) to use.
Four out of five have served in a professional ministry position, and three out of five have done so full time.
Did Dave Ramsey consider faithful Christians, pastors in communities too small to support a pastor... or the fact that a 3000 church can pay persons that are not head pastors such low wages that they have to seek gov. Assistance... are these people shuned by God despite their dedicationn to a ministry position that does not get the prestige of the head pastor position.
I'm sure all of us who have been involved in any sort of ministry position have experienced such tensions in ministry leadership.
This struck me on a lot of levels — one of which was the degree to which the Pastor's Wife is often seen as an official ministry position in a church... even when the pastor's wife isn't usually on the church payroll and often has a job and responsibilities of her own.
After following what felt like God's call on my life, I resigned from my ministry position to pursue my master's degree.
Not only was I bullied into resigning from leadership by my abusers, but when I spoke out and suggested that something was wrong with this I was «relieved» of my ministry position too.
Dreamer Juan Garcia, a campus pastor at the University of South Florida, wouldn't have his diploma or his ministry position without the Obama - era program.
I do have a ministry position with a group of people who desperately need to hear the gospel, and am preaching and teaching with them every week.
This is one of the reasons I too no longer go to church, an official ministry position would finish me off for good.
I said, «you don't work for a paid ministry position of a church, or else I really believe you would not be throwing bombs.»

Not exact matches

The ministry quoted Kim as hailing relations with China and stating that denuclearization was North Korea's «firm position
«The welfare ministry is in a difficult position — it will not and can not say, «public pensions are in trouble and you won't be receiving much,»» said Hideyuki Morito, a member of a government panel on pensions and professor of law at Keio University.
Alex told me about a gay friend who had been booted from his position in Hillsong's children's ministry after he came out and another who, after coming out to Hillsong leadership, was relieved of his duties as an usher.
A German finance ministry official dismissed the idea that Berlin would be willing to concede some debt relief to Athens, a position that Tsipras» government has long sought.
«The prince's comments are very close to the position of Germany and the EU: We need a two - state solution and serious negotiations to achieve that,» said one ministry official.
... I see this more within our larger congregations staff and leadership positions... wonderful ministries and outreach, just not so friendly anymore.
Otherwise, we would have assumed every tweet they posted was the official position of whatever church / ministry / Christian college / business they work for.
Smart people who care and want to help are often used very badly by Narcissists and / or Sociopaths in «ministry» positions....
God always seems to «call» pastors and ministry professionals to bigger churches, richer ministries, and positions with greater power.
The classical presentation of the critical position divides the «Son of Man» sayings into three groups: apocalyptic sayings about the future «Son of Man»; sayings in which Jesus» passion is spoken of as the passion of the «Son of Man»; and miscellaneous sayings in which Jesus refers to himself during his public ministry as «Son of Man».
You are most generous in saying that Driscoll was a victim, since this is not exactly what I've heard and read from those who were closest to him and knew him best, especially those who worked in «ministry» positions under him, those he fired when he perceived them as a threat in any way.
California State University has told the campus ministry that «no exemption can be made» to a new non-discrimination policy that requires leadership positions be open to all students, InterVarsity announced in a monthly prayer letter.
While other scholars» have noted that women had been» active in ministry since the founding of the church, Blumhofer's analysis reveals that the official position was at best ambiguous.
If by the power of God's grace we are in a position to accept ourselves as pilgrims, as mortal men seeking their way with difficulty through the darkness, as failing again and again and yet bound in duty to an earthly task; if the Church effects that acceptance by celebrating the death of the Lord, and makes us men of prayer who are really conscious of the future judgment of God, if the Church sends its children strengthened with God's grace out into their own maturity which burdens them but sets them free, then the Church by its official ministry has done what it alone can and must do.
The Christian people suspect, and not always without reason, that because the Church's human law must be established by the authorities it is actually subject to the arbitrariness of the ministry and hence not really a law that would give the people a well - established position over against the decisions of the Pope or the entire episcopate.
There are signs that during the past decade the New Breed has been influential in campus and experimental ministries and even in administrative positions within the churches, but our data suggest they have had little success at the parish level, where most clergymen are and where most communication between the clergy and the laity takes place.
However, the recent letter on pastoral care of homosexuals (already referred to), as well as the demand by the Vatican that ethicist Charles Curran retract his position on homosexuality and other sexual moral issues, or relinquish his position as a Catholic theologian, and its more recent order to me that I give up all ministry to homosexual persons, have convinced me that I can no longer in conscience remain silent.
In all the churches one hears seminary professors, bishops, and others in positions of oversight complain about candidates for ministry....
But it is indicative of Dodd's intellectual stature that he nonetheless carried through the logic of his position, and does actually present us with a kerygmatic chronology of the public ministry.
Although she says, «I don't think that I'm ever likely to be the Bishop of London» (she has been listed among several possible nominations for the currently vacant position), it's clear that we've not seen the end of her pioneering ministry yet.
So, a minister in that position can never make even one mistake whilst others who are «in» will have their mistakes brushed aside as being just normal in ministry.
Here is an example of that better way: A gray - bearded graduate theology student, a former merchant seaman, butcher and barman - cum - bouncer, accepts a part - time position at a suburban New York church: 20 hours of youth ministry a week.
A job search led me to a position as a ministry - based social worker for an organization that provided job skills, mentoring, childcare and Bible study for low income women in the inner city of Nashville.
For such reasons Willimon counsels new pastors to seek out associate positions for their first ministry experiences.
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