Sentences with phrase «minority of the population»

They are heroes that stand out, and are always an extremely small minority of the population at large.
Before the second world war, a very small minority of the population in Western societies went to universities.
It rather represents the interests of a small minority of the population calling themselves environmentalists plus industry groups that would profit from implementing their ideology.
In fact the concentration of stock ownership of corporations in the hands of a tiny minority of the population matches the concentration of corporate assets.»
«Significant minorities of the population appear to know very little about credit scores.»
Noting the 51.9 % final tally for the Leave vote, we can presume a distinct minority of the population specifically voted for Hard Brexit.
In a 2012 referendum, a large minority of the population said Puerto Rico should continue with the status quo.
His vision of fairness is shared very passionately by a sizeable minority of the population but the same people that rejected Miliband will reject him too.
By contrast, the number of utterly ignorant bloggers, blog commenters, hack journalists and so on who regard themselves as being better qualified than the experts is just about beyond counting (though still, fortunately, a small minority of the population as a whole).
Time has come to stop catering to a tiny minority of our population that for the most part live in insular ghetto like enclaves of fellow muslims and makes little attempt to be absorbed into the American way of life.
While it might have been right to have used Europe as a weapon with which to beat the Conservatives — opening up endless internal divisions in the party — and while it might have been right to pursue more liberal immigration policies, it undoubtedly irritated a significant minority of the population.
People who continue to use these terms «hold that homosexual behavior is a manifestation of some inner essence, perhaps biological or psychological, is relatively stable over time, and characteristic of a distinct minority of the population
However, this will only make up a very small minority of the population and most typical lifters will fall somewhere within that 20 - 40 pound range.
No matter the advantages of traditional marriage, at the end of the day, the institution imposes arbitrary discrimination on a minority of the population and therefore is cruel and unjust.
a minority of the population.
If we allow books, movies or any other form of legal entertainment to be banned simply because a minority of the population doesn't like it, pretty soon there would be nothing left - it's a fact that everyone dislikes or is offended by something.
This type of homeschooling may seem like a small minority of the population, a Duggar - ish aberration from the norm.
Heather, I live in Spain, I am a childbirth educator and gave birth at home here 3 years ago and just wanted to say that home - birth in this country is absolutely a tiny minority of the population, with the same kind of societal attitudes as North America, so this ad has created a big stir as you can imagine!!!
Few people outside of the trans community paid much attention to the report — perhaps unsurprisingly, as despite the committee's vague estimate that there are 650,000 people in the UK who are «gender incongruent to some degree», this is still very much a niche issue affecting a minority of the population.
The locality of policies ensures that a slight majority can not make life miserable for a large minority of population.
They are politically influential, but are a minority of the population.
The State Senate GOP hates democracy; they've gerrymandered the Senate to the point where a tiny minority of the population has a nearly - insurmountable stranglehold on our state government.
But AFSCME, the state's largest AFL - CIO union, said Malloy can not expect «a small minority of the population to resolve Connecticut's fiscal challenges.»
And Clegg had a warning for Labour and its new leader Jeremy Corbyn, saying there was a difference between the minority of the population who were immersed in politics and those for whom it rarely impinged on their lives except on election day.
In contrast, the harmful consequences of cannabis use, however exaggerated they often appear to be, are likely to represent significant potential risk for a minority of the population for whom reduced cannabinoid levels might promote mental stability, fertility or more regulated food consumption.
Thus, unless you are part of the minority of the population that carries the APOE4 allele, a polymorphism that confers increased risk with saturated fat consumption, there is no reason to avoid coconut oil or saturated fat (Barberger - Gateau et al., 2011).
«A minority of the population can experience complete fat loss plateaus, which is almost universally due to a pathology (e.g. hypothyroidism or a neural disorder) or excessive stress.
Most people these days still see computer coding or programming as a highly technical or even nerdy activity that is only attractive to a minority of the population.
While games such as Pokémon GO may have the power to mobilize masses of people, it remains that these masses are only a minority of the population.
However, these changes only effected a small minority of the population - primarily the wealthy and powerful.
The idea of retirement as a long vacation at the end of life will only be true for the well - off, a minority of the population.
It definitely could make sense for some estate - planning purposes but that only applies to a minority of the population.
After that, we can talk about investing, but it is only relevant to a minority of the population with enough discipline to save early and often, initially aiming for 3 - 6 months of expenses.»
As such, the breadth of subject areas covered in the State - by - State Survey necessarily limits the depth to which any individual subject can be explored, particularly in areas such as investing outside of retirement accounts, which applies to only a minority of the population.
Balinese make up a significant minority of the population, but to the casual visitor may appear to be over-represented in the tourism industry.
The news as it exists is an entertainment choice of a minority of the population.
The Committee considers that the response of the justice system to the high rates of violence affecting Aboriginal women, as a disadvantaged group and a minority of the population, offers only insufficient protection.
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