Sentences with phrase «minute price fluctuations»

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The unmatched business model allows the traders to make significant profits on small price fluctuations within a matter of minutes.
With security prices available on a minute - by - minute basis, the run - of - the - mill investors focus on analyzing randomness — allowing themselves to become happy or sad over short - term price fluctuations that are disconnected from whether they were fundamentally right in their investment analysis.
If a market for any of the first three (3) contract months is bid or offered at the upper or lower price fluctuation limit, as applicable, on Globex it will be considered a Triggering Event which will halt trading for a five (5) minute period in all contract months of the NG futures contract, as well as all contract months in all products cited in the Associated Product Appendix of this rule.
On any Exchange business day, regardless of any prior action concerning price fluctuation limits during the trading session, commencing sixty (60) minutes before the close of the Regular Trading Hours (RTH) session, there shall be no price fluctuation limits on any contract month in NG and all products cited in the Associated Products Appendix of this rule.
Many investors find it very difficult to stay calm during the day noticing huge price fluctuation minute by minute.
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