Sentences with phrase «miraculous things»

The phrase "miraculous things" refers to extraordinary or unbelievable events or occurrences that can't be explained by science or logic. Full definition
The sun really can do miraculous things for your outlook, and a little bit goes a long way here.
In our quest to achieve, do and be more, we often miss the most miraculous thing of all — this moment.
And then... the most miraculous thing begins to occur.
He said he could do miraculous things and many many people have seen him travel around the world delivering presents.
On one hand, from a scientist's perspective, breast milk is the most miraculous thing I have ever studied.
This year, George Miller did miraculous things with Mad Max: Fury Road.
The sour cream does miraculous thing for cake texture, creating crumb that is dense, not crumbly.
When you release old patterns and blocks at the deepest levels and learn to reconnect with your higher self and soul, a number of miraculous things beging to happen....
Yes, millions of Muslims and Hindus claim to have seen miraculous things too.
At any moment God may interrupt such uniformities and cause miraculous things to happen.
There is a difference between the «historical» Jesus, who quite frankly there is also zero evidence actually existed... no records, nothing, while there are records of other prominent people of that time period... you'd think if Jesus had really done such miraculous things there'd be a record other than the bible somewhere, but there's not... and the mythological Jesus which was created using the possible historical Jesus as a template.
Well, when your invisible man comes down from the sky or lights plants on fire or does other supposedly miraculous things, why can't he give some better rules than the junk handed down about how to go about raping, pillaging, etc?
God has done some very miraculous things for holy people; research it for yourself read about the lives of the saints.
What happened through the Holy Spirit and Gods word, was the most supernaturally miraculous thing that I have experienced, and it was so incredibally awesome that I will never be the same person that I was.
I just saw the article online and I thought, you know, it's really good for us to hear these kind of stories because this was a completely natural miraculous thing that happened.
Fiber alone does nearly miraculous things — it suppresses appetite (reducing weight), improves your blood sugar and cholesterol profile, decreases inflammation, and slows aging.
The Official UK PlayStation Magazine achieved miraculous things for Future Publishing, with one issue in particular — issue # 42, which came with a playable Metal Gear Solid demo — selling over 450,000 copies.
It's pretty difficult to be there by 30 but between 30 and 40 miraculous things usually happen — you get married and if you're like most people who read articles like these — you'll marry someone educated with a comparable income as you... buy a home and get more conservative about goals and life plans... and there you have it — combined bank account, combined 401k amounts to push up that net worth.
It is also known as sal mirabilis or miraculous salt, and Telkes tried to do some pretty miraculous things with it.
wowzers girl... you guys do miraculous things TOGETHER as a team.
Days I suddenly feel flexible again... loose enough to lean waaaay back so that I can re-see the whole miraculous thing with fresh eyes... so that I can re-understand that this whole HUGE thing is really one HUGE Gift.
It would at most, prove that Jesus was the source of miraculous things.
But when Graciela, a young Mexican immigrant, appears in the neighborhood in search of Doc's services, miraculous things begin to happen.
Ford's engineers have done miraculous things with the current GT's suspension setup, but the way the back end sidesteps over mid-corner ruts and expansion joints belies the car's modern wrapper.
We could remember Birth is magical and the science is only a linear way of comprehending the most miraculous things in this existence.
The British ministry of health thinks that a bowlful of watercress a day can do miraculous things for your body, and I admit that it always makes me feel better.
I love to visit the Holy Land to be where Jesus did miraculous things.
In sure if you reexamine your life, there are a bunch of good and miraculous things that have happened to you as well.
See the light as it presents itself with clear vision and devotion, he did miraculous things, it is sad the rel truth is never revealed, much like our government, as well the Coroporate World, and the World in General.
The most miraculous thing that happened on Saturday was that the Bolts finally solved the Bruins to tie up the series in the east.
All reported to have done miraculous things.
Penn and Teller do miraculous things.
Believers claim God's hand in the miraculous things that happen and hold man accountable for the tragedies.
The human body is a strange and miraculous thing.
A crisp, leafy salad is a miraculous thing: It lends satisfying bulk to a light meal and bright balance to a heavy one.
The human body is a miraculous thing.
Life is a miraculous thing.
Your body did a wonderful, miraculous thing.
These special configurations in eight dimensions are like these miraculous things.
But all jokes aside, the act of making physical contact with another being (I'm afraid your houseplant won't quite cut it for this one) does miraculous things for both your well - being and theirs.
As women, our bodies are capable of the most amazing and miraculous things, the most dramatic of which is conceiving, growing, birthing, and nurturing a child.
But a theory still held out hope that he could return during Infinity War, after all the Infinity Gauntlet can do miraculous things.
And the teacher in the classroom next door has no idea about the miraculous things that the teacher next to him or her is doing.
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