Sentences with phrase «misclassification rates»

The phrase "misclassification rates" refers to the occurrence of mistakes or errors in identifying or categorizing something or someone accurately. It measures the percentage or frequency of incorrect classifications compared to the total number of classifications made. Full definition
VAM ratings based on test scores have a 50 percent misclassification rating, with a variance based on the test, the year, the class and even the statistical model used.
Thus, an extremely low misclassification rate in a large linked dataset can make a substantial difference to the number of reported deaths among indigenous peoples when an «at least one report» method of enhancement is used.
Surely you are aware of the studies proving that rating teachers on standardized tests results in a 50 % misclassification rate.
«The research is clear that basing evaluations on test scores results in a 40 - 50 % misclassification rate,» said Lecker.
In order to create the observed difference of 128 deaths between the two enhancement methods in this study, a misclassification rate of about 1.9 per 10,000 linked records would be required.
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