Sentences with phrase «misguided attempt»

The phrase "misguided attempt" means a well-meaning but incorrect or ineffective effort to achieve something or solve a problem. Full definition
We should beware, too, of misguided attempts to create balance in stories.
Most addictions emerge as misguided attempts to meet genuine needs or alleviate pain.
It will have been wasted being divisive, hateful, and going through misguided attempts to force others to conform to what YOU think.
In a potentially misguided attempt to build his own email list, your candidate decides to swap lists with the candidate next door.
People are emerging from prison more broken than they were before, with a surveillance and support structure which is underfunded and shattered by misguided attempts at privatisation.
She also totally misreads her son's sexual leanings, resulting in misguided attempts to find him a wife, even as she despairs at her daughter's truly appalling computer - assisted illiteracy.
All I can think is that this is some sort of misguided attempt by Amazon to try and remedy some of the abuses that came to light in the recent sock puppet debacle (and if you missed all that drama, here's a link to catch you up).
It's almost as if the uncomfortable dynamics between Anastasia and Christian were simply misguided attempts to add some drama to a story that really only cared about having some risqué sex scenes.
Then there are injuries resulting from misguided attempts to survive an untenable workload (Friday night shot contest, cough).
Ever since the first presidential debate, the Obama campaign has suffered from the media interpreting everything they do as a desperate and probably misguided attempt to deal with the consequences of....
I'm not talking about the psycho father who terrorizes his son on the football field and the creepy mother who heaps mascara on her five - year - old pageant princess in deeply misguided attempts to relive their own lives.
D.J. Ross (@metaly): I'm going to make another, perhaps misguided attempt to play Battlefield: Bad Company 2 this weekend, after spending 20 minutes trying to connect to a server last Saturday (seriously) and then giving up in frustration.
«Eli Manning is well known for his integrity and this is just the latest misguided attempt to defame his character.»
The response to those such as Rushkoff and others has been a well - intentioned though historically inaccurate and socially misguided attempt at reasserting the old twentieth - century idea of peoplehood as a starting point for Jewish identity.
It is, of course, easier to spot in others than it is to spot in ourselves... so, despite my frustration with his irresponsible interpretation of the text, I'm going to cut Driscoll some slack and assume that, this time, it's based on misguided attempts to make the text relevant to his congregation rather than misogynistic inclinations.
We read Everybody Poops, and in a hilariously misguided attempt to make her laugh, I may or may not have let her listen to Adam Sandler's «Longest Pee.»
Let's not forget that all states in the union have federal allocations to take proper care of their destitute persons, why is Peter Obi and Anambra state not using such allocation for the said purposes, why push his state's destitute to Lagos, in a clear misguided attempt to drain Lagos state's allocated resources for same purpose?
My old bedroom closet in my parents» house is a tribute to the follies of youth, boasting a fraction of a self - authored Choose Your Own Adventure book, an elaborate hermit crab maze, and the result of a severely misguided attempt to make my own shoes.
So Mavis» big idea is to head back to her small Minnesota hometown in a distinctly misguided attempt to reclaim high school sweetheart Buddy Slade (Patrick Wilson).
In her own misguided attempt to avoid reality she goes to cringe - worthy extremes leading to a belligerent and uncomfortable end.
Here, Will Smith, in yet another hopelessly misguided attempt at Oscar - baiting, stars as a grieving father who writes letters to time, death and love as a means of coping with his daughter's tragic passing.
Rocky & Bullwinkle is yet another of Microsoft's arguably misguided attempts at capturing that oh - so - attractive casual gamer demographic.
There's a great story on the NY Times website, T. Zeller Jr. «Documents Borne by Winds of Free Speech ``, about a court's likely misguided attempts to recall information that has found its way on to the web.
For all his faults and mistakes, which I'm not trying to ignore, Vivek's mistakes are done in misguided attempts to win games.
«This was a deeply misguided attempt by the City Council to attack free speech simply because they disagreed with our point of view.
And one in five lawyers is a problem drinker, presumably resulting from misguided attempts to self - medicate.
Upon assuming office, Tsipras and his Syriza - Independent Greeks coalition government looked to act on campaign promises and initiated an uncoordinated, uninformed, and misguided attempt at not only renegotiating the Second Fiscal Adjustment Programme, but also «ending austerity throughout Europe.»
Dave bounces around between them all, in some kind of misguided attempt to maintain control over a domestic situation that is steadily slipping through his fingers.
His own poor decisions impact his life, like his affair with Maria Reynolds and subsequent, misguided attempt to save his legacy by public ally revealing the tryst.
During that visit, he said he saw no signs of Soviet religious persecution, a misguided attempt at diplomacy that brought scathing criticism from author Alexander Solzhenitsyn, among others.
In a misguided attempt to help the lowest income rung, the USPS is being floated as America's next bank.
The truth is that these misguided attempts at thought leadership don't fool anyone: in fact, they make entrepreneurs lose credibility with their readers, and thus constitute the opposite of what successful thought leadership should be.
«His misguided attempts to shift blame onto (the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp.) or other state business groups are no more than a smokescreen to disguise his office's culpability.»
«His misguided attempts to shift blame onto WEDC or other state business groups are no more than a smokescreen to disguise his office's culpability.»
From 2014 on, OPEC proved not only willing but determined to precipitate a massive drop in the price of oil in a misguided attempt to punish North American land drillers.
Do you think your inane, misguided attempts at comedy are anything useful or productive?
There is a final way that the Church often fails gay people, and that is by watering down the biblical vision for sexual holiness and human fulfilment in a misguided attempt to be more welcoming.
This is a misguided attempt of the past wrong teaching not the official stance as far as I know in the church.
Actual sin — failing to love: The word «sin» is often avoided today in a misguided attempt to be «politically correct.»
In reality, God placed those gifts and callings inside of you for a purpose and it's profane to stifle them in some misguided attempt at honouring God.
There is a vast difference between mutual submission to one another out of an overflow of love and having submission demanded of you, one - sided, out of a misguided attempt at biblical marriage.
A man is most truly «helped» when women are walking in the fullness of her anointing and gifts and intelligence and strength, not when she reduces herself out of a misguided attempt at righteousness.
The tower and the city are misguided attempts to achieve unity on human terms rather than on God's terms.
There will be no future healing if a couple delude themselves, through a pastor's misguided attempts to provide loving support, into thinking that their divorce is a momentary inconvenience which is best forgotten rather than a broken relationship which will exert continuing influence on their lives.
In it's misguided attempt to be everything to everyone, the Episcopal Church has managed to drive away many cradle Episcopalians (like me) who are tired of the political correctness embodied by the left wing leadership in the Church.
Hirsch's misguided attempts to alphabetically list items that are thought to form the essential core of cultural literacy blissfully ignores Rorty's plea for the recognition of the contingency of our own language games and the need to extend our sensitivities to the marginalized.
Women can not be the ally our men deserve in the Kingdom of God when we are bowing down in a misguided attempt to lift them up.
What began as a call for repentance ended up as a misguided attempt to usher in the earthly political kingdom of God.

Phrases with «misguided attempt»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z