Sentences with phrase «missionary enterprises»

The pietists of the seventeenth century became deeply concerned with social ethics, founding the first orphanages in Europe and starting the first missionary enterprises.
This approach did not escape unscathed; other Jewish missionary enterprises labeled Our Hope's «Messianic Judaism» as outright «Judaizing,» declaring that such theology was «unscriptural, mischievous and dangerous.»
The disdain of local cultures in the missionary enterprises is another sign of «impure motives».
This practical attraction stimulated the efforts of many and was present in many missionary enterprises.
He refused to believe that Vatican II, the ecumenical council he had experienced as a powerful work of the Holy Spirit, could only lead to permanent incoherence and division in Catholicism; and by providing an authoritative interpretation of the Council, John Paul II's pontificate energized the living parts of the Church and made Vatican II the launch platform for the new evangelization and for the Church's rediscovery of itself as a missionary enterprise.
The church flourished, membership grew, the missionary enterprise exploded, and the denomination's social location was transferred to the middle class.
Hence the missionary enterprise often seeks points of contact for the gospel.
The missionary enterprise was one of «systemic imperialism,» the 3,000 word statement declares.
Currently, I find many Messianic Jews dissociating themselves from the label «Jews for Jesus,» explaining that the organization is «just a small group of 100 or so Hebrew Christians in a west coast missionary enterprise that is very vocal and widely publicized.»
The missionary enterprise became a soul - saving machine devoid of any principles, systems and methods of governance consistent with the gospel.
Apart from academic specialists, American interest in Islam has been limited largely to people concerned about the Christian missionary enterprise in the Middle East, or to friends of Israel who want to understand their enemy.
At Cyprus, Paul apparently took over the leadership of the missionary enterprise from Barnabas, presumably with Barnabas's consent.
The missionary enterprise has flowed into the struggle for decolonialization and social justice.
Islam has succeeded brilliantly in its missionary enterprise, promoting at the same time a universal devotion to the sacred Arabic.
Is the entire missionary enterprise of the church a mistake, then, if we grant what was asserted in the last paragraphs?
The remarkable thing was that the missionary enterprise partook of such a small degree of imperialism.
The most interesting feature of this development is its effect upon the missionary enterprise.
This book has been hailed by the editor of The Christian Century as «the most important interpretation of Christian missions that has appeared since the modern missionary enterprise was launched, a little more than a hundred years ago.»
The confusion of a proximate, churchly, with the ultimate, divine, context and the attendant confusion of goals, lies at the heart of many dilemmas in which the Christian missionary enterprise is involved in its dealings with the adherents of other religions.
It may be that the expansion of democracy depends upon the expansion of the Christian missionary enterprise around the world.
Arguably some of the most ugly consequences of such an exclusive stance in the Church's missionary enterprise, and the consequent urgency to baptize, have been forced or induced «conversions `, signed and sealed by baptism.
They were not the product of foreign missionary enterprise.
It was «from the United States that the majority of the missionaries and more than half of the funds of the Protestant missionary enterprise eventually came.
Unlike that of Madras and Jerusalem, the Conference in Whitby showed a spirit of optimism in the outcome of missionary enterprise that was similar to that of Edinburgh 1910, and of the early student Volunteer Movement.
There was a sense of optimism about the missionary enterprise which prevented any questioning of the motivation of mission or of the missionary message.
The Triune God Himself is declared to be the sole source of every missionary enterprise.
By this time, it also became clear to the missionary enterprise that it was no longer possible to discuss profitably, in an international meeting, the building of the Kingdom of God in India or China or Africa with the almost complete absence of Indians or Chinese or Africans.9 In a statement before the Conference, the IMC hoped that Jerusalem would afford an opportunity, for the first time, for the representatives of the older and younger churches to consider together how the relationship between the churches might be made mutually helpful.10 Out of the two hundred and thirty one members at the Jerusalem Conference, only fifty - two (about one - fourth) were from the younger churches.
The entertainment business is not usually thought of as a missionary enterprise, but talk - show host and media queen Oprah Winfrey is a woman on a mission.
For one thing, the Jerusalem meeting made it clear that the missionary enterprise is coming to be not something that we do for other peoples but something that we do with them.
The report on this subject frankly acknowledged that «the missionary enterprise, coming as it does out of an economic order dominated almost entirely by the profit motive,» has not been «so sensitive to those aspects of the Christian message as would have been necessary sensibly to mitigate the evils which advancing industrialization has brought in its train,» and then proceeded to scrutinize mercilessly the exploitation of backward peoples as the result of the economic penetration of Africa and Asia by the West.
(John Stewart, Nestorian Missionary Enterprise, Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1928, p.xxix.)
The Jerusalem meeting made it clear that the missionary enterprise is coming to be not something that we do for other peoples but something that we do with them.

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Subsequently, enterprises ranging from overt Jewish missionary efforts to orthodox Messianic congregations have been called «Jews for Jesus.»
They argued that «as now constituted, the Council [for World Mission] represents only a very restricted understanding of the missionary task;... that it perpetuates the relationship of donor and recipient; and that it fails to give adequate place to the talents of every church in the cooperative enterprise».
Most Protestant missionary agencies embarked on the immense enterprise of vernacular translation with the enthusiasm, urgency and commitment of first - timers, and they expended uncommon resources to make the vernacular dream come true.
Here was an acute paradox: the vernacular Scriptures and the wider cultural and linguistic enterprise on which translation rested provided the means and occasion for arousing a sense of national pride, yet it was the missionaries — foreign agents — who were the creators of that entire process.
But the past 100 years of missionary campaigning has brought to light an almost endless number of problems and difficulties about which these missionary workers — both those at the front and those administering the enterprise at home — have good reasons to hold divergent opinions.
The «missionary» enterprise on this model thus becomes an identifying, a naming, and an explication of the structure of grace so as to facilitate its greater actualization in the lives of persons with all sorts of relations to the «Christian phylum» (Teilhard).
In the nineteenth century they constituted an increasing proportion of the missionary staff of the Roman Catholic and Protestant enterprises and had a large share in raising the funds for the support of missions.
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