Sentences with phrase «mistaken images of the world»

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The character Socrates locates himself in the cave — meaning the ordinary, political world of images people mistake for reality.
Third — and perhaps most importantly — Driscoll and other leaders in the «masculinity movement» have made a terrible mistake in combating the perceived «crisis» with an image of Jesus that conforms to the world's view of masculinity, rather than the image of Jesus we actually find in Scripture.
«There, Helen discovers she has a rare gift, indispensable in the world of image control: She can convince arrogant men to admit their mistakes, spinning crises into second chances.»
I fell into a dope - induced stupor but can recall images of Will vomiting into a small plastic bag (pills + switchback turns = regrettable mistake) and I believe I spoke sharply at the young boy sitting behind us, who was picking my pocket in a dream world.
This Dutch city may conjure images of bucolic canal side row houses, Technicolor tulips, and leisurely bike rides, but make no mistake about it: it's one of the world's most popular destinations, and faces crowds all year long that flock there as a result.
I throw humor in this part by establishing that the scientific agreement on climate change is as solid as these scientific agreements: Earth is round, Earth revolves around the sun, dinosaurs once existed, smoking causes cancer (I have a comical image of a 4 year old child trying to smoke a cigarette), Neil Armstrong once walked on the moon, and the Cubs never winning the World Series (I admit then that image is a mistake.
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