Sentences with phrase «mitochondrial matrix»

The phrase "mitochondrial matrix" refers to the inside part of a cell's mitochondria, which are tiny structures responsible for producing energy. It serves as a space where various chemical reactions take place that generate energy for the cell to use. Full definition
In addition to glycolysis, acetyl - CoA is produced from the oxidation of fatty acids by acyl - CoA synthetase enzymes in the outer mitochondrial membrane, and then transported into the inner mitochondrial matrix by acetyl L - carnitine for β oxidation and ATP production.
Because mitochondrial matrix enzymes function best in an alkaline medium, metabolic processes can be optimized by eating a primarily plant - based autoimmune paleo diet (54).
For example, by engineering PA - GFP tagged to a mitochondrial matrix protein (mito - PAGFP) the Youle Lab was able to visualize and quantify the fusion dynamics of mitochondria in healthy and apoptotic cells (9).
For example, by engineering PA - GFP tagged to a mitochondrial matrix protein -LRB-
Carnitine transports long - chain acyl groups from fatty acids into the mitochondrial matrix, so that they can be broken down through β - oxidation to acetate to obtain usable energy via the citric acid cycle.
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