Sentences with phrase «mix of lecture»

Each day is a mix of lecture, interactive exercises, role - playing and question and answer periods.
They include a mix of lecture, conversation and group activity.
Participants attend four full days and one half - day session, which feature a mix of lecture - style instruction and small group work.
The traditional mode of learning in universities entails a mix of lecturing, cramming, and examination.

Not exact matches

On June 4, Poloz delivered a lecture in Ottawa on the proper mix of fiscal and monetary policy.
Monetary / Fiscal Policy Mix and Financial Stability: The Medium Term Is Still the Message - Stephen S. Poloz, the Governor of the Bank of Canada, delivers the Canadian Economics Association's Purvis Lecture (12:55 (ET) approx.)
In the Doug Purvis Memorial Lecture, Governor Stephen S. Poloz shows how changing the mix of monetary and fiscal policies can yield the same outcomes for growth and inflation, but lead to different results for public sector and private sector debt levels, which can impact financial stability.
She combined elements of many of these cuisines with the uniquely South African style and, after a successful teaching and lecturing career, started Ina's Kitchen, creating various mixes of spices and seasonings in a converted garage at her home in Cape Town.
In addition to the lecture, Elizabeth Kaplan shared some of her gluten - free bread and chocolate chip cookies made from her mixes.
Mixed media artist and clothing designer Marie Cordella is just one of the 40 artists whose work can be viewed at ArtSpace, a visual art center that features 23 open studios, three exhibition galleries, lectures, classes and many other stimulating art events.
As he readily admitted during his lecture, while the UN has endeavoured to engage in human protection, it has not always succeeded — for a mix of logistical and political reasons.
A middle - of - the - road alternative that has worked for me is to develop a few topics as problem - based exercises and mix these problem - solving days in with regular lectures.
Lectures include a mix of intermediate and advanced topics.
Although the results were mixed, Active Physics consistently outperformed traditional lecture courses in conceptual learning and in attitudes toward learning and problem solving, said Regina Frey, the Moog professor of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education in chemistry who co-led the evaluation team.
The McDonnell Distinguished Lecture this year will describe current understanding of the formation of the solar system, particularly its mix of rocky planets, gas giants and icy planets.
elmi2018 will present the latest research and developments in light microscopy through unique mix of invited and submitted lectures, and workshops provided by exhibiting companies.
As part of the field trip, participants will experience an exciting mix of topical lectures and discussions, in addition to a tour of a warming and acidification mesocosm facility, snorkelling and reef related activities
The schedule was a mix of the above components, structured to allow lectures, site visits, and group work to happen within pre-defined daily activities.
The lectures addressed a well - designed mix of highly technical issues for sustainable and conventional energy supply systems, financial / cost analysis, and the relevant social implications.
JCVI's training philosophy revolves around a mix of not only lecture - based seminars, but also hands - on training in both the wet lab and in silico computational environments.
If I remember right, it was Dr. McDougall who noted in his writings or lectures that Frances Moore Lappe retracted her statements later after learning that it pretty much doesn't matter when in the course of a 24 hours or longer that you eat a mix of amino acids, it will all come together.
The movie becomes repetitive pretty quickly, and while it would be tempting to dismiss the affair merely as a mixed bag of running jokes and performances, that would mean ignoring the ways Fist Fight undermines its central purpose through unearned lecturing.
Blended learning, the mix of online learning in brick - and - mortar schools, can shift how teachers allocate their time by allowing them to actually work with students based on individual students» needs, rather than simply lecturing to an entire class that may have vastly different levels of understanding.
Third, the optimal teaching style might contain a mix of both techniques, which involves lecturing (to provide background or basic content) complemented by problem - solving activities.
When we stopped worrying about whether Khan Academy videos were better than our own lectures or whether the exercises had the appropriate mix of concept vs. drill, we recognized that we had found a powerful tool that reached students and changed their habits in ways we had never even considered possible.
It's definitely a mix, but of course most of the lectures on campuses are attended by students and faculty from the queer / feminist studies and art departments, with a smattering of local cartoonists and artists.
His lecture was a mix of the Lonely Planet's modest beginnings (their first trip from England to Australia via the silk road), plus additional trips with his family in the nineteen eighties, and what he has been doing more recently.
Her practice a diverse mix of painting, sculpture, phone apps and Skype lectures, artist Amalia Ulman is a keen explorer of what she describes as the «bland» or «middlebrow» aesthetic.
The year - round calendar of lectures provides students with access to a diverse mix of renowned artists and scholars encouraging artistic discourse, and leading studio critiques and workshops.
Standing out as a producer of the music mixes also, on this project he collaborated with MeLo - X, using the clips from lectures by painter Kerry James Marshall who speaks about the importance of the black figure in art.
Otolith projects take the form of mixed media installations, of single and multiple channelled projections, visual and non-visual essays, of curated exhibitions and programmes, lectures and performances.
The mix of child comforts and teen sex echoes Mike Kelley, Michael Smith, and Charles Ray, but without their adult lectures on politics and the philosophy of art.
It was a very successful event where Cooper Union alumni Diana Lewis AR» 76, Paul Garrin A ’82 and Roxanne Ryce - Paul AR ’00 lectured to a mixed crowd of students.
The work employs a mix of theatrical genres ranging from the slide lecture, the fashion show, the sculptural display, and the live musical act as a means to illustrate the fictional parallel world of the San San International, a «hallucinatory mega-convention of staggering proportions».
This fall, she will return to give a lecture and stage a performance piece in conjunction with Ruins and Rituals and the college in the process of acquiring her mixed - media sculpture Delia on the plane or Cabbage Slicer.
Visitors can also enhance their visit to the show by attending a special program of lectures, mixer events and other specially organized events including the IFPDA Print Fair.
As well as an eclectic mix of art and antique pieces from over 50 exhibitors, a mixed programme of art lectures taking place throughout the fair.
Mixed in with the lectures on Global Warming are formulations of Crichton's more general environmental philosophy — that a new politico - legal - media complex has taken over control from the military industrial complex, and is dedicated to controlling the population by promoting a state of fear about false environmental scares like catastrophic Global Warming.
VOCs are almost unheard of in Manufactured gasoline and is usuallythe result of additives added to gasoline (such as lead in oldervehicles) or a malfunction where parts could allow mixing of fluids Repeat: The Combustion process is a Exothermic reaction that turnsgasoline mist into Heat and Force as understood by modern Chemistryand Mechanical Engineering, not «Carbon Dioxide and water» as 18thcentury Chemical Theory still lectured on in the field of Physicsclaims
The show is a mix of seminars and lectures, sometimes with four you want to see running at the same time, and the biggest trade show I have ever seen.
I'm a big fan of mixing up a program with lecture, PowerPoint, exercises, etc..
The mix of individual exercises, guided discussion, and playful down - time (no long lectures) kept us engaged the entire weekend.
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