Sentences with phrase «mobula rays in»

Here and then we see mobula rays in large dense schools.

Not exact matches

Gili Sarang has a short span in which the Mobula rays hang around, but when they do they come in great packs.
This week in Belongas South Lombok we have been especially lucky with Hammerheads, Barracuda, Tuna, White tip reef sharks, eagle rays, Banded sea snakes and hundreds of Mobula rays.
This week in Belongas... we have an outstanding amount of Redtooth trigger fish, sea cobras, nudibranchs, white tip reef sharks and eagle rays but this week its been the mobula rays that have made diving special as they have been counted on every dive.
On any given dive you can expect white - tipped reef sharks, marbled stingrays, green turtles, Galapagos fur seals, sea lions, eagle rays, cownose rays and mobula rays swimming in formation.
In Belongas Bay you'll find an unspoiled underwater paradise with pristine reefs, an intact environment, challenging «adrenalin dives» with sighting of schooling barracudas, tunas, mobula and eagle rays and hammerheads.
In addition to the possibility of big shark encounters schools of mobula rays and manta rays are frequently seen throughtout the archipelago.
Giant mantas and a close cousin, mobula rays, are said by WildAid to be «highly valued in Chinese traditional medicine for their gill rakers... used for trapping food particles when filter - feeding.
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