Sentences with phrase «mock duck»

Remove mock duck from the cans and give em a little squeeze over the sink to drain some of the moisture.
Saute mock duck for about 10 minutes, until nicely browned.
If you don't feel like making the whole soup, the marinated mock duck on its own makes a great meal with some rice and veggies.
I fell in love for the hot and spicy mock duck at Camdi, can't wait to visit MPLS so I can have some!
A fragrant broth of lemongrass and ginger, delicate noodles and scrumptious mock duck = heaven in a bowl.
Organic mock duck contains a synthetic ingredient that gives it an authentic, stringy texture
Asian cuisine also uses gluten to make mock meats such as mock duck and chicken,» Radd says.
Mmm... I love new ideas for mock duck!
Loved the mock duck (I used the one in the blue can:D) and the marinade.
Then prepare the mock duck: Heat a large pan (preferably cast iron) over medium heat.
Mock duck is really just seitan, but if you're familiar with those little cans of «mock duck» at the Asian grocery, feel free to use those!
Sauté the mock duck for about 10 minutes, until nicely browned.
Top with the mock duck and garnish with lime wedges.
can of mock meat / fried wheat gluten (mock duck, chicken, abalone, etc.) 8 oz.
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