Sentences with phrase «mode of birth»

In our study, preferred place of birth was not associated with differences in mode of birth.
Our study shows no differences in association between preferred place of birth and mode of birth.
We observed no significant association between preferred place of birth and mode of birth.
Main outcome measures were maternal outcomes (mortality; place and mode of birth; perineal trauma; type of management of the third stage of labor; post-partum hemorrhage; transfer to hospital); and neonatal outcomes (early mortality; Apgar score at 5 minutes; birth weight; breast - feeding initially and at 6 weeks; significant morbidity; transfer to hospital; admission to a special care nursery).
Early diet, and even place and mode of birth, have been shown to have great impacts on a child's long - term microbiome.
This study provides clear evidence for what many of us have known for some time: that the mode of birth, as well as -LSB-...]
While our intestinal microbiome is determined by our mode of birth delivery (c - section vs vaginal birth), whether we were breastfed, and early exposures through environment and diet, it is ever modifiable through macro and micronutrients, stress, and supplementation.
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