Sentences with phrase «mode of perception»

The two pure modes of perception consist in a direct recognition which can not be mistaken.
The scientific mode of perception has been realized, in principle, in the external technology that constitutes our material environment....
Forget everything you know, open your eyes wide, be open to new modes of perception and come on this tour.
If faith is closely related to the adverbial mode of perception, then faith may have an important role in keeping the higher symbolic processes in contact with reality, that is, the richer qualitative processes from which all experience arises.
The Metalli and Vetri are seminal works in Fabro's artistic research, marking the initiation and embodying the essence of his investigation into modes of perception.
One can see that listening invokes the sensory mode of perception in human beings.
What we have here is something very close indeed to Whitehead's primary mode of perception.
Members of the collective have been in residence in Rotterdam for two months to create video and sculptural installations, printed matter, sonic scapes and film shorts that situate different modes of perception as forms of aesthetic and conceptual reinvention, protest, and disobedience to normative orders.
In the night, in the jungle, visual and discrete modes of perception are replaced by the tactile, the visceral, and the more synesthetic forms of cognizance.
Whitehead's developed theory of the integration of pure and impure modes of perception is passed over.
Symbolic reference is the concluding integration of these two primary or direct modes of perception, involving error (if not always consciousness) as does the phase of intellectual feelings.
Or to take a very different illustration, we may consider C. G. Jung's polar categories of the intuitive vs. sensate modes of perception and the thinking vs. feeling modes of decision making.
In ordinary experience the pure modes of perception rarely occur in isolation; they are normally «unified by a blind symbolic reference» (PR 180 / 273).
Causal efficacy, on the other hand, while being more massive as the conformation of our experience to the reality of the past as it impinges upon the present, is also vague and a fairly undiscriminating mode of perception.
It was shown that through the separation of the two pure modes of perception by the stilling of symbolic reference, Aurobindo's experience of Nirvana could be explained.
Because each occasion actively appropriates its past (in a manner determined also by the way in which it receives novel possibilities into its experience) 1 it is, in a sense, self - caused, a causa sui.13 There is no absolute passivity in this fundamental mode of perception and causation.
The 2002 series, white blind (bright red), which was rooted in the process of staring at a tree outside her window, explored optical after - images as literal and metaphorical modes of perception.
Veils, membranes and mists are leitmotifs in work that tries to visualise modes of perception, spanning the scientific and the cosmic while drawing on sources as wide - ranging as Sufism, Renaissance painting, contemporary physics and poetry.
At the entrance to Gallery 2, viewers encounter Olafur Eliasson's Your Compound Eye, the artist's first kaleidoscope and among his earliest experiments with modes of perception relating to space, time, and movement.
Thus in the current exhibition as well, Robert Morris activates, through a specific spatial arrangement of his works, performative and self - reflective modes of perception in the viewers.
Fluidity here, from intuitive modes of perception to its visceral depictions to the literal wetness of Rodland's analogue process, becomes the thriving, unpredictable quality that distinguishes mysterious life from the inert.
Her work engages collaborative methodologies and a careful attentiveness to place in order to decentre colonial modes of perception within institutional spaces.
Please join San Diego Art Institute on Saturday, March 26 from 6 - 8 pm for the opening reception of Sweet Gongs Vibrating: a multimedia, multisensory exhibition that breaks with the ocularcentric by embracing myriad modes of perception.
By methodically exploring the possibilities inherent in a small group of materials, his work fosters slow, concentrated modes of perception.
Here, images from contemporary pop culture and of Hollywood stars are taken out their usual structures of representation and put into a new, perverse context intended to disturb customary modes of perception.
The major abstractive and originative processes tend to occur in the accusative mode of perception.
Embodying the essence of his investigation into modes of perception, the Metalli and Vetri will be taking central stage.
Causal efficacy, Whitehead's other pure mode of perception, makes up for these deficiencies of presentational immediacy, but what it gains in relatedness and explanatory power it loses in vividness and sharpness of definition.
There is more to be said about the datum of the primary mode of perception.
Kalina writes: «With an impressive command of negative space, Thomas pushes at the seemingly straightforward and simple constructions, adding a richness and slowness of read and allowing different modes of perception to be set in counterpoint.
In his new body of work, Wills continues to use his trademark materials of thread and wood to navigate modes of perception.
Fabro's interest in exploring modes of perception was shared with other young artists, he took part in the exhibition «Arte Povera - IM Spazio» (27/9-20 / 10/67) at the galleria La Bertesca, in Genoa.
Ivor Leclerc, without doubt one of Whitehead's finest interpreters, allowed his interpretation to be guided by Whitehead's questionable classification of physical prehensions as a mode of perception.
Hence Whitehead had to devise a theory of two modes of perception — and their symbolic connection.
Berry sees hope in the outcropping of movements and modes of perception that suggest an awakening.
Accordingly, in this mode of perception we might say, «Grey, there!»
Mays's discussion suggests that presentational immediacy is the mode of perception characteristic of human beings whereby we are aware of enduring objects with particular qualities (PW 142/153), when clearly this mode of perception is much more limited than that.
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