Sentences with phrase «model behaviour»

Presumably a lifetime of watching other dogs behave had already taught them that sometimes it is useful to model the behaviour of other canines.
I have always thought that the tendency dogs have to model their behaviours on what they see other dogs doing might be used to help teach common obedience commands.
She talks about how TV shows often model this behaviour for kids and some strategies to use if your child is excluded or picked on.
The aim of the work is to model the behaviour of the radiation belts during extreme space weather events.
The emotional culture of a school is formed over time by the people working there, who are led by and model their behaviour on their senior leaders.
It is thought that most of the intermodel spread in climate sensitivity, and hence presumably in future warming, arises from differences in model behaviour in the tropics.
Jerwood / Photoworks Awards 2015 Crab Walk Model Behaviour House Of Life (A Collage) William Hunt Alighiero Boetti Luke Fowler And Mark Fell
Other obstacles appear to be involving senior stakeholders — getting them to share their experiences and role model behaviours like agile working — as well as getting people more broadly to take wellbeing seriously, no matter what else is going on in the business.
Adults model behaviour every day, such as the way that they talk to people, wait for the traffic lights to change or decide what TV program to watch, for example.
I also stop modelling behaviours such as calling myself names when I make mistakes or am being hard on myself because kids pick it up and I am already having to redirect my daughter away from labelling herself for her actions.
DR. DEBORAH PONTILLO: I might change the word competition to modelling behaviour just because I think the word «competition» may imply one child wins, the other loses and of course you never want to get into that because of [inaudible 00:29:41] reasons just to make the other child not feel very good especially if you're truly not as ready.
McCowan, meanwhile, has recently modelled the behaviour of rhesus macaques at the National Primate Research Center in California.
The wheel is not just about the learners, it is about the teachers — they have to live the wheel and model the behaviour for new learners introduced to the 4Cs — communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking.
Show your students that everyone needs help occasionally by modelling this behaviour yourself and asking them for help.
[8] While historical evidence provided a good guide for modelling the option behaviour of borrowers in the prime market, the short history of the non-prime market severely restricted the ability of lenders trying to model behaviour in this market.
Taking children to Church Children very often model the behaviour of their parents, and so it will be useful to first look at how parents can take part in the liturgical celebrations in Church before we look at how they can help their children to participate.
Adults model behaviour every day, such as the way that they talk to people, wait for the traffic lights to change or decide what TV program to watch.
Playing Dangerous Golf is stupid fun, but its physics simulation is «terrifically complex», modelling the behaviour of thousands of objects at once
Personally, I'm doubtful that emergent constraint approaches generally tell one much about the relationship to the real world of aspects of model behaviour other than those which are closely related to the comparison with observations.
And they model behaviour throughout cultures.
And that makes it our responsibility to model a behaviour we want them to emulate.
When I feel like I am getting a bit annoyed or upset I stop what I am doing and announce that I am taking a break — modelling the behaviour I want her to emulate.
«The secret of our success is machine learning, through which we can model the behaviour of thousands of atoms over long periods of time.
The most surprising aspect, says Stephen Druitt, a SIAS director, is how easy it is to model the behaviour of drivers on motorways, whose decisions can be reduced to three variables: the distance to the car in front; the distance to the car behind; and the presence or absence of a gap in an adjacent lane.
Each processor acts essentially on its own, modelling the behaviour of the vehicles within its own region.
Enhanced scrutiny of models and expanded diagnostic analysis of model behaviour have been increasingly facilitated by internationally coordinated efforts to collect and disseminate output from model experiments performed under common conditions.
The former education minister, Lord Jim Knight said «We want to model the behaviours we are after, and we are after boys and girls who are good and caring and helping each other to grow, and who are good at leadership and teamwork.
In outdoor play children with special needs can imitate, model behaviour on what they observe and, like other children, play on the periphery of groups before integrating with smaller and larger groups.
He models his behaviour management approach on the work of Glasser (1986).
The Economist's Buttonwood column has an article, Model behaviour: The drawbacks of automated trading, which argues along the same lines that automated trading is potentially problematic where too many managers follow the same approach:
Model your behaviour on the assertive and confident people you look up to.
Any future metrics of model behaviour should take account of potential biases arising from this region of the atmosphere, especially if the stratosphere is poorly resolved as is the case in HadSM3
The practice of the modellers is so unsound that they appear to want to tell themselves that they are modelling the behaviour of the earth directly.
The EDoFs of the MMEs are generally greater than those of SMEs, suggesting that structural changes lead to a characteristically richer range of model behaviours than is obtained with parametric / physical - scheme - switching ensembles.
Lastly, it may not always be true that upper management models the behaviour that they wish from everyone else in the firm.
When I feel like I am getting a bit annoyed or upset I stop what I am doing and announce that I am taking a break — modelling the behaviour I want her to emulate.
Assisting parents in helping their children cope with strategies that help parents actively listen and talk to their child, provide appropriate comfort, model behaviours, encourage help - seeking behaviours and problem - solving skills and talking positively about attempts to cope.
When dads overcome challenges, solve problems, and handle conflicts in positive ways, they are modelling behaviour to their children.
This combined with modelling behaviour and language that promotes positive relationships and wellbeing families are confident and trust that their children are cared about when with family day care educators.
Furthermore, modelling behaviour and developing relationships in a supportive environment fosters further growth.
One answer is that they are modelling the behaviour of their own parents, having learned how to parent in the course of being parented.
They must model the behaviour they expect from their team.
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