Sentences with phrase «model domain»

These small differences quickly spread across the entire model domain.
All six district leader model domains correspond to domains in the school leader evaluation model.
In the figure below we set up a regional modeling domain (white box) for some area of interest on earth.
I look forward for a job in the database modeling domain within which my expertise can be put to optimum use for mutual benefit.
Moving towards unstructured climate model domains (current models use a square / rectangular domain, but using mesh approaches is the next step).
The University of California Irvine — California Institute of Technology (UCI - CIT) model domain includes the Pacific Ocean on the west side, heavily populated urban areas, and an agricultural region with large cattle feedlots and associated sources around Chino, California, and constitutes the perfect domain for this study.
The modifications of Hsiao's algorithm allowed for the application of displacement across the entire model domain rather than only over flat areas and significantly reduced terrain - induced artifacts.
Our codes are based on very simple, irrefutable physics, but you can't let the physics alone run the model as you need to specify the 3D distribution of hydrologic properties within the model domain.
In these planetary GCMs, we use a relatively simple two - stream radiative transfer for scattering and absorbing atmospheres, with assumed diffuse incident of solar radiation at the top of the model domain.
Certainly this ought to be something which can be used as a constraint in the modeling domain, although I don't think the models work with the right coordinates to make that practical today.
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