Sentences with phrase «model outcomes»

On the health side, researchers modeled the outcomes from dietary changes on stroke, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, diet - related cancers and life expectancy.
Creating a success model outcome focused approach before competencies and actions.
Australian Energy Market Operator, (AEMO), 2013, 100 per cent Renewables Study — Draft Modeling Outcomes, 24th April,
There are far few too many variables to model an outcome Entrepreneurship is a long term commitment and as Investors, we are so lucky to jump the ship after a poor quarter, not the promoter who many times has put...
With this in mind, Chloé Rutzerveld explored the process of growing — or to be more precise, designing — crops, based on scientific facts, to model the outcome into an interactive installation: Future Food Formula.
Previous studies modeling outcomes have demonstrated that DBT can be cost effective.
The most significant factors influencing model outcome were virus prevalence in the reservoir population (s) and its effective contact rate with tigers.
Author of the article, Geoff Masters, argues that high expectations model the outcome of hard work for students and show a belief in the child's abilities.
100 per cent renewable study — modelling outcomes Australian Department of Environment and Energy and the Australian Energy Market Operator, 2013.
If you had to guess... what percentage of model outcomes result in temperature flatlines on decadal timescales?
These climate model outcomes the researchers then translated to crop growth conditions [even including CO2 - fertilisation effects] for maize, wheat and rice, for the different geographical regions.
If in fact, all 5 land use forcing runs are really valid model outcomes, it tells us that climate models don't have the often claimed property of «eventually forgetting about initial conditions.»
The C - ROADS software developed by Climate Interactive was used to analyze the data and model the outcomes of the delegates» proposals.
As the result when I look at monte carlo analysis I see notable improvments in the models outcomes in scenerios where the mortgage is payed off — more certainty and less leverage.
In this research, we model the outcome in a very simple way.
The hard heads at the US Dept of Energy crunched the numbers, assumed technology will improve, and modeled the outcomes.
6 - «Measurements and model outcomes are given with a range of values to allow for the uncertainties in measurement and modeling.»
They call for advanced climate simulation systems that can model outcomes with ever greater precision and ever smaller scales, and for sustained, long - term observation of the machinery of the planetary climate system: among them the complexities of the water cycle, involving the evaporation of soil moisture, the formation of clouds and the conditions for rain and snow fall.
In fact the modelling outcomes are predicated on the many facets of Indigenous disadvantage that contribute to their poorer health and labour market outcomes being addressed.
Appraisers can now arrive at conclusive, data - driven figures with HouseCanary's new regression tool, determining the features of a property that are most relevant and modeling outcomes.
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