Sentences with phrase «model projections suggest»

Once again, model projections suggest that these changes in shear should not be simply extrapolated into the future, and the credibility of these projections depends once again on the credibility of the projections of the spatial structure of trends in tropical SSTs.
In such a world, model projections suggest the Arctic will be ice - free every one in forty years, compared to one in every five under stabilized 2 °C warming.
As global average temperature increase exceeds about 3.5 oC, model projections suggest significant extinctions (40 - 70 % of species assessed) around the globe.
Let's also look at the specific IPCC quote that Mr. Romm furnishes us with: «As global average temperature increase exceeds about 3.5 °C [relative to 1980 to 1999], model projections suggest significant extinctions (40 - 70 % of species assessed) around the globe.»
If current trends in CO2 emissions continue, model projections suggest that by mid-century CO2 concentrations will be more than double pre-industrial levels and the oceans will be more acidic than they have been for tens of millions of years.
Climate model projections suggest that by year 2100, both intense drought and flooding may increase in frequency by at least 50 percent.
Scaling the results from both theory as well as climate model projections suggest, then, that roughly 3 % of hurricane rainfall today can be reasonably attributed to manmade global warming.
Model projections suggest that weather extremes may become even more intense, more frequent, and longer in the climate of the future (4).
He warned that, if global average temperature exceeded «about 3.5 ºC, model projections suggest significant extinctions (40 % — 70 % of species assessed) around the globe» [italics added].
The IPCC's Fourth Assessment says, «As global average temperature increase exceeds about 3.5 °C [relative to 1980 to 1999], model projections suggest significant extinctions (40 - 70 % of species assessed) around the globe.»
(Medical Xpress)-- Fine - scale climate model projections suggest the possibility that population centers in cool, highland regions of East Africa could be more vulnerable to malaria than previously thought, while population...
Model projections suggest that although increased temperature and decreased soil moisture will act to reduce global crop yields by 2050, the direct fertilization effect of rising carbon dioxide concentration -LRB-[CO2]-RRB- will offset these losses.
It's worth noting that most model projections suggest that the SAM trend may level off for a while as the ozone hole gradually declines, but those same model projections suggest the SAM trend will recover as CO2 continues to rise.
«Furthermore, model projections suggest that over the coming decades that South Georgia will experience increased stress from ocean - wide acidification.»

Not exact matches

Considering that existing climate models typically do not consider northeast Greenland with future sea - level projections, the findings suggest that sea - level rise estimates may err on the high side, close to 3 feet or higher, said Khan.
While this underestimate does not call into question the response of climate to carbon dioxide concentration in the IPCC models, the researchers say, it does suggest that a better understanding of what happened during the last 50 years could improve projections of future ecosystem changes.
But Spracklen's study suggests both the climate model projections and the observations may be correct.
Most comparisons suggest that the world is warming a little more slowly than the model projections indicate.
«There are some climate projection models that suggest sugar maple may not prefer the climate so much in our neck of the woods in the future.
Analysis of simple models and intercomparisons of AOGCM responses to idealised forcing scenarios suggest that, for most scenarios over the coming decades, errors in large - scale temperature projections are likely to increase in proportion to the magnitude of the overall response.
Despite these challenges, many future projections based on high - resolution models suggest that anthropogenic warming may cause tropical storms globally to be more intense on average (with intensity increases of 2 — 11 % by 2100).
The range of model outputs also increases for end - of - century projections, suggesting that the magnitude of change becomes more uncertain in the models further out in time.
Projections based on 29 climate models suggest that the number of high wildfire potential days each year could increase by nearly 50 percent by 2050 if greenhouse gas emissions continue unabated.
The analysis of processes contributing to climate feedbacks in models and recent studies based on large ensembles of models suggest that in the future it may be possible to use observations to narrow the current spread in model projections of climate change.
Analysis of simple models and intercomparisons of AOGCM responses to idealised forcing scenarios suggest that, for most scenarios over the coming decades, errors in large - scale temperature projections are likely to increase in proportion to the magnitude of the overall response.
In the projections, the models suggest that the the rainfall decreases by 0.4 mm / day — but if that anomaly was naively applied to the real world, you'd end up with an (obviously wrong) prediction of negative rainfall.
«Future projections based on theory and high - resolution dynamical models consistently suggest that greenhouse warming will cause the globally averaged intensity of tropical cyclones to shift towards stronger storms,» Knutson et al. (2010); Grinsted et al. (2013) projected «a twofold to sevenfold increase in the frequency of Katrina magnitude events for a 1 °C rise in global temperature.»
This result suggests that current projections of regional climate change may be questionable.This finding is also highly relevant to regional climate modelling studies where lower resolution global atmospheric models are often used as the driving model for high resolution regional models.
This evidence, plus climate model projections, suggest that global warming may cause an increase in both the severity and frequency of El Niño events in the future.
«In light of the above findings, it appears that sea ice cover in the Bohai Sea is not quite as sensitive to CO2 - induced global warming as climate model projections / theory suggest it should be.
We suggest, therefore, that projections of future climate based on these models be viewed with much caution.
'' it is suggested that the strength of the tropical low - cloud feedback predicted by the IPSL - CM5A model in climate projections might be overestimated by about fifty percent.»
2: Our Changing Climate, Key Messages 5 and 6).4, 10 A range of model projections for the end of this century under a higher emissions scenario (A2), averaged over the region, suggests about 5 % to 20 % (25th to 75th percentile of model projections) increases in winter precipitation.
However, there remains uncertainty in the rate of sea ice loss, with the models that most accurately project historical sea ice trends currently suggesting nearly ice - free conditions sometime between 2021 and 2043 (median 2035).12 Uncertainty across all models stems from a combination of large differences in projections among different climate models, natural climate variability, and uncertainty about future rates of fossil fuel emissions.
This implies that «the next two decades» could mean a 2007 - 2027 interval or even a 2008 - 2028 interval, or alternatively, it might simply mean an interval estimated from model projections in 2005 as you suggest.
But a growing body of scientific evidence suggests that the projections of climate change that have been made by the current family of computerized climate models has been overdone — that the world will warm up significantly less than has been predicted as a result of our ongoing carbon dioxide emissions.
A CO2 trend overlay suggests it's the main variable driving projections, but it's not the only variable that invalidate the models as the IPCC themselves identify.
Although there is at present no means by which to tell whether this particular storm was due to human induced global warming, the devastation it has caused is consistent with the projections generated by climate change models that suggest such storms will become more severe as the world warms up.
«Climate sensitivity is a metric used to characterise the response of the global climate system to a given forcing» and «'' Spread in model climate sensitivity is a major factor contributing to the range in projections of future climate changes» both suggest to me that CS is an input.
But the sentence reading «Spread in model climate sensitivity is a major factor contributing to the range in projections of future climate changes,» strongly suggests it is an input.
Projections from climate models suggest that ice loss will continue in the future, with a possibility of September ice - free conditions later this century (e.g., Stroeve et al., 2012b; Massonnet et al., 2012).
«Also, when these complex models are forced by reasonably realistic future greenhouse gas projections, they tend not to show an AMOC collapse; the models used in the most recent IPCC assessment suggest that the AMOC is likely to gradually weaken over the 21st century, but not collapse abruptly (Meehl et al, 2007).
Based on these projections and previous model behavior, the output suggests 2012 will be at or below the previous record minimum September ice extent, set in 2007 and repeated in 2011.
Some commentators have suggested that the under - representation or omission of feedbacks in climate models may result in inaccurate projections.
The lack of warming for more than a decade — indeed, the smaller - than - predicted warming over the 22 years since the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) began issuing projectionssuggests that computer models have greatly exaggerated how much warming additional CO2 can cause.
First, as you can clearly see in the figure «'' the actual observed runnning average temperatures from the Hadley Center since 1995 have been between the IPCC scenario projection and Dr. Keenlyside's forecast, which does suggest that his model may be underestimating warming.
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