Sentences with phrase «model sensitivity»

Climate model sensitivity to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 is intrinsic to the model itself and has nothing to do with what aerosol forcings are.
The policies desired by green advocates become much less likely to be adopted if lower sensitivity is credible (and modeled sensitivity less so).
Hence the NH / SH ratio does not make a good quantitative test of modeled sensitivity in my opinion.
«A Comparison of Climate Model Sensitivity with the Data from the Last Glacial Maximum.»
PNNL scientists found that pushing a climate model in the direction of observations reveals model sensitivities in precipitation and how clouds change the climate
Would the land - ocean dT difference a better quantitative test for modeled sensitivity?
Nearly every paper that I have seen recently that has indicated a meaningful change in rate for a variable related to warming has suggested that, if anything, average model sensitivity may be too low, with positive feedbacks underestimated.
We speculate that this underestimation may also have led to overly low estimates of climate sensitivity in some past studies attempting to constrain climate model sensitivity parameters with proxy - reconstructed temperature changes.
The link is based on a single modelling sensitivity study (Rotstayn and Lohmann, 2002) which looked at only the changes in the indirect effect from the pre-industrial (ca. 1850) to the present day.
For example, a recent ice sheet model sensitivity study finds that incorporating the physical processes of hydrofracturing of ice and ice cliff failure increases their calculated sea level rise from 2 meters to 17 meters and reduces the potential time for West Antarctic collapse to decadal time scales.
[27] Sokolov, A P (2005): Does model sensitivity to changes in CO2 provide a measure of sensitivity to other forcings?
«Over the past 20 years»: Lockwood and Fröhlich (2007); another review: Bard and Frank (2006), on model sensitivity see p. 7.
Temp rise relates to model sensitivity which I addressed above, re.
1985 Syukuro Manabe and A.J. Broccoli, «A Comparison of Climate Model Sensitivity with the Data from the Last Glacial Maximum.»
Nearly every paper that I have seen recently that has indicated a meaningful change in rate for a variable related to warming has suggested that, if anything, average model sensitivity may be too low, with positive feedbacks underestimated.
looking at the relationship between model sensitivity and response to volcanos we found no relationship, this experiment suggests something else at work.
There is another «take home» message for me about these sorts of model sensitivity studies that makes sense of the disparity between models and the real world: that the Earth's climate is insensitive to CO2 forcing on scales of 70 years or less.
If as parents, we model sensitivity, empathy and harmony, our children will carry themselves through life, and react in the same manner when they encounter conflicts and adversities — for these are the tools we have been giving them.
The original publication: Toohey, M., K. Krüger and C. Timmreck (2013), Volcanic sulfate deposition to Greenland and Antarctica: A modeling sensitivity study, J. Geophys.
Is this 20 year trend sufficient to determine whether the model sensitivity was too high?
«Given the current uncertainties in both the reconstruction and model sensitivity, however, this model - data discrepancy could be attributed to either the seasonal bias in the SST reconstructions or the model bias in regional and seasonal climate sensitivity.
So, for CMIP5, the diagnosis of ECS involves a much larger change in forcing than the period of observation (ie., ~ 40 % increase in the «real world», vs. a 400 % increase in the diagnostic test of model sensitivity.)
However, because climate scientists at the time believed a doubling of atmospheric CO2 would cause a larger global heat imbalance than today's estimates, the actual climate sensitivities were approximatly 18 % lower (for example, the «Best» model sensitivity was actually closer to 2.1 °C for doubled CO2).
However, as in the FAR, because climate scientists at the time believed a doubling of atmospheric CO2 would cause a larger global heat imbalance than current estimates, the actual «best estimate» model sensitivity was closer to 2.1 °C for doubled CO2.
However, before they should be provided to the impacts communities as anything more than a model sensitivity study, they must be shown to have skill with respect to real world observations.

Phrases with «model sensitivity»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z