Sentences with phrase «model thousands of times»

The acceptable scientific use of models is to first initialize to current conditions, run the model thousands of times and present the results as a range of probable outcomes within the limits of irreducible imprecision that is the divergent solution space.
By running the model thousands of times (a «large ensemble») we hope to find out how the model responds to slight tweaks to these approximations — slight enough to not make the approximations any less realistic.
And I go there and see the pics and I think to myself, haven't I seen this model thousands of times before?
The Oxford group runs its climate models thousands of times.
To attribute any specific extreme weather event — such as the downpours that caused flooding in Pakistan or Australia, for example — requires running such computer models thousands of times to detect any possible human impact amidst all the natural influences on a given day's weather.
By pulling together the maximum possible computer resource, and running these weather forecast models thousands of times — and for alternative carbon dioxide levels — a picture can be built of how often severe storms can be expected.
They ran climate models thousands of times, and simulated a world with human CO2 emissions and a world without them.

Not exact matches

Technology columnist Farhad Manjoo of The New York Times recently argued that the UBER model doesn't translate very well and can't be reliably applied to the thousands of businesses that have rapidly appeared in virtually every industry claiming to be the «UBER» of whatever.
At the same time, Chinese contractors that operate on an entirely new model — exporting thousands of their own low - cost workers to foreign job sites, for example — are starting to compete in the markets where Bechtel is strongest.
Models must be run many thousands of times to obtain statistically significant results, which requires expensive supercomputers.
In a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change an international research team modelled the impacts of a changing climate on the distribution of almost 13 thousand marine species, more than twelve times as many species as previously studied.
Those precious metals are thousands of times more prevalent on the surface of Earth and in its mantle than the models predict.
Noting the potential of gene therapy to be a one - time treatment for rare and serious diseases that otherwise cost hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars in chronic care over a lifetime, Stuart Orkin, MD, and co-author Philip Reilly, MD, JD, of Third Rock Ventures, seek to «catalyze the discussion» by suggesting several new models for valuing, pricing and developing gene therapy.
To make such a detailed model, researchers took specks of brain tissue and cut them into slices thousands of times thinner than a human hair.
While there have been attempts to estimate real - time death risks during epidemics, such statistical models require data from large numbers of patients in the order of thousands and therefore could not be applied to the 2015 MERS epidemic in the Republic of Korea with small patient numbers.
According to the model, vertical movement of underground fluids shouldn't be possible at all, or should happen over what scientists call «geologic time»: thousands of years or longer.
Using this model, they corrected for lensing effects and revealed that SDP.81 is a monstrous galaxy forming stars at hundreds to thousands of times the rate we see in the Milky Way.
A modeling - based study by Australian government scientists has tracked ocean acidification for the first time through all of the thousands of reefs comprising the psychedelic ecosystem, which is home to fish, sharks, dolphins and dugongs.
From magazine covers that simultaneously show sized 00 models promoting the latest fad diet next to chocolate cake recipes, to «fitspirational» Facebook and Instagram feeds featuring perfectly toned professional athletes that throw us immediately into «compare and despair» mode, our eyes and brains are assaulted with images of how we should look tens of thousands of times a year.
If you don't have the time to spend hours working out, don't have the money for expensive health clubs, don't want to fill your house with thousands of dollars of exercise equipment that will probably be used for a coat rack, if you're sick of spending hundreds of dollars on diet pills that only seem to work for the models in the ads, but DO WANT TO:
The case was originally filed in November 2013 by Florida model Yuliana Avalos, who said her photographs had been used «hundreds if not thousands of times» on various IAC dating sites.
Yuliana Avalos, a Florida model who has never signed up to any IAC - owned dating sites, claims that her photographs have been used «hundreds if not thousands of times» on the sites.
The flipped classroom model — in which students watch video lessons for homework and receive more direct, individual instruction from teachers during class time — is rapidly gaining popularity in K - 12 schools, with websites such as Khan Academy offering thousands of free video lessons.
He pointed out that high - performing charter schools have adopted more prescriptive curricular models and pedagogies over time, and that «looking for a thousand flowers to bloom has a long and storied history of failure in American schooling.»
My years with students, kindergarten through college, plus the additional time spent in observation, collaboration, and teaching model lessons with hundreds of teachers and thousands of students have provided me with the background and firsthand information to enable me to share my excitement for learning.
The focus is on a relatively new model that promises to teach tens of thousands of students at a time for free, with a mix of short Web videos and automatically graded (or peer - graded) assignments.
«I've spent time in hundreds of different school models, if not a thousand, just given the roles I've had in education over the years, and I think you can become kind of numb or just comfortable with the status quo of classrooms in which kids aren't engaged, and the teachers have lost their mojo or love for teaching because they're given a scripted curriculum from their district that they have to follow, and they have no ability to be entrepreneurial or creative.»
I have on this particular model BMW since it's inception I have driven vehicles for hundreds of thousands of Miles was not one time having it let me down, car is wonderful as a daily driver him when... Read full review
yes there is an initial carbon cost, but these cars will run years and thousands of miles and a city full of them the air would be pristine, thats what matters and more and more they will be charged from a wind and solar expanding infrastructure so its all going to get cleaner and cleaner as time and uptake catches on, this is the future and more manufacturers will now grab this and realise that all there models will go this way, not for enviromental reasons but because they will be cheaper to run, service, performance, every which way they are a win.
To replicate the observed isotopic offset, the model requires that enhanced levels of organic - carbon and pyrite burial continued a few hundred thousand years after peak organic - carbon burial, but that their isotope records responded differently due to dramatically different residence times for dissolved inorganic carbon and sulfate in seawater.
The National Research Council of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences has embraced the Milankovitch Cycle model... orbital variations remain the most thoroughly examined mechanism of climatic change on time scales of tens of thousands of years and are by far the clearest c...
Forest (2006) states: «It is not possible to estimate the true climate system variability on century time - scales from observations and therefore, climate models are run with fixed boundary conditions for thousands of years to obtain estimates of the climate variability.»
The differences are (1) that you can not afford spatio - temporal resolution of weather models to simulate thousand years forward, and (2) in weather model you don't care if your prediction will blow up in 100 years yielding Venus condition or Ice Ball, you just stop the computer after a week of simulated time, and start over.
If the Bern model would be correct, that once released CO2 has a residence time of hundreds or thousands of years in thge atmosphere, why would we have to reduce or stop CO2 emissions?
Result Interval arithmetic takes * THOUSANDS * of times longer to run, and hence is infeasible for all but trivial - size models.
As running simulation ensembles across systematically designed model families would require billions of dollars and thousands times more computing power — we simply decide subjectively what a plausible solution looks like after the fact.
For a pair of scientists working in a time when computer instructions were compiled on printed punch cards and processing was thousands of times slower than today, they created a remarkably accurate model.
Two months later, in Nature, June 2012, Maslin and Austin stated, in part: «Dan Rowlands of the University of Oxford, UK, and his colleagues have run one complex model through thousands of simulations, rather than the handful of runs that can usually be managed with available computing time.
At any one time, thousands of people are being paid literally millions of dollars on Wall Street to try to model the behavior of various stock indices and commodity prices.
The iconic EDRM model has been downloaded in various forms tens of thousands of times since its first iteration was posted in 2005.
«Right in the middle of the Cash Flow stagnation, you have Bitcoin now, not just creating a new model for currency, but at the same time creating a new liquidity pool, that has been built on top of this vibrant, innovative economy, where now you see hundreds of startups, creating thousands of jobs, creating this incredible amount of innovation, in financial services, in cryptografie, in security, in distributed systems, in technology and we're only seeing the beginning of this.
If you want to create a reliable, useful, secure 3D model of something complicated like a human face and update it in real time — and Honor does — then you need to track tens of thousands of different points: 300,000 of them.
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