Sentences with phrase «modeling exercise»

As with any quantitative climate modeling exercise, there is a great deal of uncertainty involved, and results should be interpreted cautiously.
A common misconception is that you need to have perfect form while modeling exercises for your clients.
It is entirely possible that humans are not causing global warming, in which case this computer model exercise is really just a game.
There are reasons to doubt that the kind of modeling exercises that produce the SCC actually tell us anything worthwhile, but that's a subject for another post.)
This effect was not taken into account in previous modeling exercises
The CMIP5 modelling exercise involved many more experiments and many more model - years of simulation than previous CMIP projects, and has been referred to as «the moon - shot of climate modelling» by Gerry Meehl, a senior member of the international steering committee, WGCM.....»
The recommendation would depend in part on the menu modeling exercises that USDA was preparing.
A probability modelling exercise using two dice.
Thirdly, a substantial portion of the economic impact (previous modelling exercises indicate around one third) is due not to Australia's carbon abatement policies but to the actions of other countries.
Additionally, The ASEAN Advantage summarizes the current business climate for Canadian and ASEAN companies, explores five broad sectors that offer significant opportunities for Canadian exporters, outlines the results of an economic modeling exercise that shows potential benefits for Canada over a 10 - year period following the implementation of a trade agreement, and outlines a number of key policy recommendations.
I like your blog, and I get what you're doing for mesomorph types, but to say that the VS models exercise like this is straight up wrong information.
If it was the letter V, model the exercise students will do using the phone listings in your local phone directory that begin with the letter V.
The key question remains the purpose of GCM modelling exercises.
Reviewing the major reports produced over the last eight years in a report for WWF Australia released yesterday, we found that the estimated costs of future emissions reductions in Australia fell in every successive modelling exercise.
In other words, the assumptions that underpin the economic analyses used to justify carbon pricing are appropriate for a theoretical modelling exercise but unrealistic, impracticable and highly unlikely to be achieved in the real world.
The biggest single modeling exercise on this issue was carried out at Stanford in 2013, when teams from 14 companies, government agencies, and universities combined forces.
Now a paper in Nature Climate Change presents the results from a new modelling exercise using six different «integrated assessment models» (IAMs) to limit global temperatures in 2100 to below 1.5 C.
Most importantly, I feel as if I've contributed to something that is fundamental science (e.g. physics and physical chemistry), that I expect will stand the test of time (unlike the climate modeling exercise du jour) and hope will define theoretical cloud physics at the beginning of the 21st century.
Fyfe: This is a computer modeling exercise, so we use state - of - the - art computer models.
Evidently, it can become very warm indeed over Greenland — much warmer than most previous modeling exercises have considered.
A modelling exercise for the Resolution Foundation by the Institute for Employment Research and the Institute for Fiscal Studies finds that on the basis of annual average UK growth of 2.5 per cent from 2015 - 2020 — an optimistic scenario — and no further cuts in public spending, living standards will fall for low and middle income households by between 3 and 15 per cent (Brewer et al., 2012).
Instead of a model exercise the Rivers re-run featured almost all the incidents which should have been eliminated.
It was only possible through the participation of thousands of members of the public in the work's biggest ever climate modelling exercise: they offered up spare processing capacity on their home computers to run the calculations via the Climate Prediction citizen science climate modelling programme.
The modelling exercise in this new research paper follows over a million cattle and 50,000 badgers over different scenarios to understand how the movement of one species affects the transmission of TB in the other.
Keep in mind that these exercises are for adults, too, and that practicing what you preach and modeling these exercises yourself will, in turn, make your kids much more likely to practice them:
But the modeling exercise hints at factors that do seem to make the biggest difference.
These data sets can then be incorporated into any modelling exercise, providing consistent parameters for each emissions trajectory, and a consistent foundation for all climate modelling teams anywhere in the world.
Many characteristics of the climate system are uncertain, but decent estimates of uncertainty ranges can be made, based on observations and modelling exercises.
By the early 2000s, it was clear, from increasingly sophisticated climate modeling exercises and careful scientific monitoring of Earth surface changes such as the summer melting of the north polar ice cap, that what oceanographer Roger Revelle had characterized as a «vast global experiment» was well under way.
These IAMs were recently updated by Dr Joeri Rogelj of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria and colleagues as part of the modelling exercises in the lead up to the next IPCC report.
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