Sentences with phrase «modeling was considered appropriate»

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On the ancestral chain model we are considering, whatever self would be required to appropriate the earlier mental contents would certainly seem to have his work cut out for him.
For example, in clinics participating in the Reach Out and Read Program, pediatric providers could consider modeling appropriate reading interactions and handing the children's book to be given out directly to a child's father.41
My only hesitation when considering this dress was the neckline — it's a pretty deep plunge, and while it's perfectly appropriate on a 20 year old model with no cleavage to speak of, I wasn't sure if this mom of 2 could swing it.
Instead of opting for what Steiner - Adair refers to as a «fully - loaded» smartphone, consider a lesser model that can provide developmentally - appropriate privileges, such as being able to text only parents or a certain number of approved friends, using pre-approved apps, and having limited or no access to the Internet.
provisions for responding to acts of harassment, bullying, and / or discrimination against students by employees or students pursuant to clause (b) of this subparagraph which, with respect to such acts against students by students, incorporate a progressive model of student discipline that includes measured, balanced and age - appropriate remedies and procedures that make appropriate use of prevention, education, intervention and discipline, and considers among other things, the nature and severity of the offending student's behavior (s), the developmental age of the student, the previous disciplinary record of the student and other extenuating circumstances, and the impact the student's behaviors had on the individual (s) who was physically injured and / or emotionally harmed.
While value - added models are not currently widespread in the Northwest, they could be increasingly considered if the new state assessments have the appropriate properties to implement them.
Many commentators were expecting a model based on national averages, but Ministers have thought more strategically and considered the most appropriate balance to support attainment.
This makes the urus one of the largest bulls ever recorded, which is appropriate, considering the Lamborghini Urus is the largest model to boast the Raging Bull emblem.
I guess some who are uptight would not consider her an appropriate role model but she was always there for Elsa and I believe she will be a stronger perso because of Granny's uniqueness.
His model of the atmosphere was advanced for the time, but he did consider the radiative balance at the surface, whereas we now consider that this is flawed and the balance at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) is more appropriate.
The appropriate frame is that they track * climate * — that is, the «average» warming that results from considering the many possible temperature trajectories that reality could have taken, and which various model runs evince.
Next, the algorithm determined whether the climate models the researchers used provided sufficient resolution or detail concerning regional climate so as to be considered an appropriate source of information.
Although the parties are free to agree on procedure, and failing such agreement the tribunal may conduct the arbitration in the manner it considers appropriate, that freedom is subject to the other provisions of the Model Law, including Article 18.
The more usual individualistic models of marriage choice, which would consider this pattern «nonnormative» or «disorderly,» may not be appropriate for ethnic subgroups such as the Hmong, where high educational expectations coexist with high rates of early marriage and early childbearing.
[FN29] In type 2 cases (female - initiated violence), fathers should be encouraged to pursue primary custody of their children; [FN30] in type 3 cases (male - controlled interactive violence), both parents are poor role models, but «the parent who can better provide a violence - free environment should be considered as the potential primary caretaker for the child,» [FN31] while in type 4 cases (separation and postdivorce violence), «a range of custody plans, including joint physical custody, are appropriate
[M] indful of the strong arguments that monetary compensation is only one component of reparations... and considers a holistic, nationally consistent approach is the most appropriate means of addressing the specific needs of members of the Stolen Generations and of actively promoting an effective model of healing.
The Commission considers that it might be appropriate for s 183 or the Guidelines to be amended to stipulate that recipients of funding under the scheme must agree to abide by the Commonwealth model litigant guidelines scheduled to the Legal Service Directions and that failure to so comply may result in withdrawal of funding.
The Commission considers that it might be appropriate for the propose s 213A or the Guidelines to be amended to stipulate that recipients of funding under the scheme must agree to abide by the Commonwealth model litigant guidelines scheduled to the Legal Service Directions and that failure to so comply may result in withdrawal of funding.
Among the steps taken towards a more enlightened professionalism have been: the requirement that clinical staff have tertiary qualifications; an increased awareness of domestic violence and the development of appropriate practice models; an increased awareness of the importance of the voices of children being heard and their well being considered paramount; and the range and style of services provided having expanded way beyond the «staples» of counselling, community education and mediation.
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