Sentences with phrase «models predict the path»

When I look at hurricane pages they usually provide at least a dozen paths that models predict the path of the hurricane will follow.

Not exact matches

The models have splayed - out lines that predict the path of the storm.
Some multiverse models predict that our universe must have a specific geometry that would bend the path of light rays in specific ways that might be detectable by Planck, which will analyze radiation left from the Big Bang.
The study, aimed at quantifying the small - scale circulation that can not be captured by satellite - based altimeter measurements or general circulation models, has immediate practical applications to help better predict the path of catastrophic pollutant events, such as from future oil spills or nuclear disaster events.
Existing forecasting models are good at plotting a storm's path, but they fall down in trying to predict its magnitude at landfall.
The researchers, from the Universities of Bath, Manchester and Princeton (USA), developed a mathematical model to predict the path of evolution when altruistic «cooperators» live alongside «cheats» who use up resources but do not themselves contribute.
The model tracks electron scattering paths and the release of secondary electrons to predict the pattern of deposition on the surface of the material and visualize the final structure of an experiment.
By studying different models of just how mass is positioned in the galaxy cluster, astronomers could predict one more light path for Refsdal, one that would delay the light reaching the telescope until late 2015 or early 2016.
Conceptual model for Hypothesis 2: a = students» positive school climate will predict stronger school identification among students, b = the path from students» school identification to students» NAPLAN results will be significant and d = the indirect path from school climate to student achievement scores via school identification will be positive and significant.
EX and EX-L models also feature dynamic guidelines when reversing that swing with the steering angle to predict the path of the vehicle.
The move echoes rather uncannily the words of the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who predicted this exact path of profit destruction for the publishers if they did not adopt the «agency model,» where publishers set wholesale prices.
The other models were predicting that the storm would continue on the more typical path out to sea.
Hurricane forecast models (the same ones that were used to predict Katrina's path) indicate a tendency for more intense (but not overall more frequent) hurricanes when they are run for climate change scenarios (Fig. 1).
We can try to model these alternative development paths to compare their costs and benefits, but as I said in a previous post about models, anyone presuming to predict the next 10 or 50 years of development in the industrializing world might as well be telling campfire stories.
Are climate scientists also not troubled and humbled, by all that is happening that they didn't predict with their models, or when recent climate trends aren't on their model's projected path to their 50 year CAGW predictions?
I don't need to model a missile down to its atomic behavior to create a 6DOF model that is extremely accurate in predicting the missile's flight path.
Anyone who claims that the river modeler has failed because the model did not predict the path of a leaf has completely missed the point.
This uncertainty derives from the complexities involved in modelling the whole Earth system (including the strength of feedbacks from clouds, etc.) and also from predicting the future path of human activities.
At one end of the spectrum, if we remain on the BAU path, and all available credible evidence implies that we will, the global climate models predict we will experience global mean temperature increases on the order of 5 C by the end of the century.
Regression analyses confirmed that the income - to - needs ratio was significantly associated with caregivers» education (path A1; ranges across all regions: P <.001 in all models), predicted caregiving support / hostility assessed 1 year after baseline controlling for caregivers» education (path A2, P <.001), and predicted children's experience of stressful life events between baseline and time of scan when covarying for caregivers» education and supportive / hostile parenting (path A3, P <.001 in all models).
First, we ran the hypothesized model (χ2 = 133.01, df = 108, p =.05, root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA] =.09, confirmatory fit index [CFI] =.91, Tucker — Lewis Index [TLI] =.91) and determined whether all predicted paths were significant.
It is evident from the model that among the proximal factors namely personality, attachment style and interpersonal attraction, the role of personality is stronger in predicting romantic inclination (0.24) compared to insignificant and weak direct paths shown by attachment style and interpersonal attraction (0.02 & 0.01 respectively).
Hypothesised cross-lagged path model predicting child health and parental stress from baseline to 24 - month follow - up.
Cross-lagged path model of children's emotion recognition and externalizing behaviors in 1st grade predicting children's emotion recognition and externalizing behaviors in 3rd grade, controlling for receptive language skill in 1st grade and child ethnicity.
For example, model 1 is statistically equivalent in path analysis to a model with physical victimization predicting psychological victimization predicting marital dissatisfaction predicting depressive symptoms.
The final path model was initially tested with the background demographic variables predicting the baseline latent variables.
Results of path analyses indicated that a model with attachment predicting empathy through the mediation of emotion regulation was the best fit for the data.
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