Sentences with phrase «moderate alcohol intake»

And sorry, beer and cocktail fans: the same results were not found with light - to - moderate alcohol intake of other types.
However, it does show that moderate alcohol intake does not affect body weight in and of itself.
Through reasons not fully understood, moderate alcohol intake actually improves insulin sensitivity.
Excessive Drinking Kills 1 in 10 Americans: If people moderated their alcohol intake and avoided excessive drinking, it would prevent 10 percent of the deaths that occur in this country every year in people between the ages of 20 - 64...
Gen Y may love its wine but the general trend is towards moderating alcohol intake, and this is particularly prominent amongst millennials in the UK (Mintel 2017).
For most of us, dad safety has to do with more mundane matters such as moderating our alcohol intake, assessing our driving behavior, and following safety precautions around equipment.
I've known enough writers who are moms (I refuse to use the term «mommy blogger») travel down the slippery slope between moderate alcohol intake to alcoholism that I decided it was time for a break.
Though most studies seem to suggest moderate alcohol intake may not cause any health issues in men and women, I've found in my years as a practitioner that «moderate» can mean very different things to different people.
As well as all that, you are hopefully moderating your alcohol intake, getting plenty of sleep, keeping your stress levels low, not smoking and generally trying to live a healthy life.
While well aware of the dangers of extensive consumption, the medical community does acknowledge that moderate alcohol intake has potential health benefits (not that anyone should take up drinking for that reason alone).
Lee says there is evidence that light to moderate alcohol intake can improve insulin sensitivity, and poor sensitivity to the hormone can lead to diabetes.
And in this group of mums, moderate alcohol intake was a marker for social advantage, which may itself be the key factor in better balance, possibly overriding subtle harmful effects of moderate alcohol use, say the authors.
To keep inflammation to a minimum, Dr. OKeefe recommends a restricted - calorie diet (similar to the Mediterranean diet), consisting of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, nuts, vinegar, tea, and fish oil, as well as low to moderate alcohol intake.
Research suggests that moderate alcohol intake can produce a slight rise in HDL cholesterol (a so - called good cholesterol).
Higher scores which indicate stricter adherence to this index, giving less weight to legumes, fish, and moderate alcohol intake, didn't correspond with differences in cognitive decline rates.
Four healthy habits can prolong your life by fourteen years If you moderate your alcohol intake, exercise daily, eat five portions of fruit and vegetables and don't smoke, you'll live 14 years longer than if you did not do these four things.
Moderate alcohol intake is recommended by the fitness and health specialists.
Some evidence suggests that moderate alcohol intake is associated with greater bone density in postmenopausal women.
Although it's not clear how alcohol may increase cancer risk, Allen says, «there is evidence that moderate alcohol intake — at the levels studied here — increase circulating levels of sex hormones, which are known to be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.»
The consequences will not only be unsustainable increasing health care costs, but increasing health inequities, particularly those impacting Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Australians, and increasing community suffering due to the impact of chronic diseases - most of which are preventable by improving physical and social environments to make it easier for Australians to improve diet, increase physical activity, moderate alcohol intake and stop smoking.
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