Sentences with phrase «moderate benefits for»

Nightly assignments can help prepare them for scholarly work, and research shows that homework can have moderate benefits for middle school students (Cooper et al., 2006).

Not exact matches

A collection of new studies presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference suggest that a Mediterranean diet — one that's rich in lean proteins like fish and chicken, filled with fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes, and (moderate amounts of) red wine — may carry yet another benefit: reducing the risk for dementia and Alzheimer's by more than a third.
Many companies expressed how, in their view, rebates have evolved from being a tool for paying moderate margins to pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) for their service to now being a way of purchasing access.
Assuming you remain consistent, with a targeted strategy, it's possible for link building to directly influence thousands of organic visitors and thousands of referral visitors per month — even in exchange for moderate effort — and that's not even counting the indirect benefits.
They are returning to moderate levels from where they were a year or 18 months ago; and the effect should be positive for Canadian companies, as they will continue benefiting from a lower Canadian dollar.
Secondly, that this light and stable «cream» of any given star, having escaped beyond the reach of the tempest of energy blazing at the heart of the parent - body, may yet remain sufficiently close to it to derive a moderate benefit from its radiations: for the large molecules need energy for their synthesis.
In that case, many of them would, I believe, be willing to risk a moderate roller - coaster effect in return for the benefits of genuine interprofessional team practice.
As someone who has struggled with my weight my entire life, I also benefit from a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet, so this is a great way for me to start off my day with the high level of satiety provided by a fat - infused cup of spicy tea.
Youth can achieve substantial health benefits by doing moderate - and vigorous - intensity physical activity for periods of time that add up to 60 minutes (1 hour) or more each day.
There are many benefits of moderate exercise for mom; these include: higher level of cardiovascular fitness; improved blood lipid profiles and insulin response; improved energy; reduced stress; enhanced maternal - infant relationship and alleviation of depression symptoms in those with major depressive disorders.
Getting low impact exercise like walking, yoga, and even moderate aerobic exercise improve and benefit a woman's immune system, lowers stress, improves circulation, and keeps mom more supple for delivery.
Indeed, research has shown that the moderate consumption of dark chocolate is actually GOOD for us in later life, with the benefits outweighing the risks.
Moderate exercise three times a week will provide you with many benefits: you'll prepare your body for labor, get your heart pumping, and keep from gaining an excessive amount of pregnancy weight.
«He pretends to be a moderate when it benefits him, but on the issues that matter the most for Upstate New York, he has been a rubber stamp for the corruption and failed liberal policies of Governor Cuomo, Sheldon Silver, Ray Halbritter and New York City liberals,» Tenney said.
The conservative House Freedom Caucus and Republican moderates in the Tuesday Group came up with a revised bill that allows states to opt out of certain Affordable Care Act protections for consumers known as «essential health benefits
SONYMA is a public benefit corporation of the State of New York created in 1970; the agency's purpose is to create affordable homeownership opportunities for low - and moderate - income first - time homebuyers and other qualifying homebuyers.
There's a genuine difference of opinion between the Cuomo and de Blasio administration on charters, but the move also stands to benefit Cuomo politically: Along with his opposition to the pre-K tax hike, it cements the governor's position as a moderate bulwark against the more liberal de Blasio on education, appealing to voters outside the city and preemptively shutting down a potential area of attack by his Republican challenger as he runs for re-election.
Our study found no evidence of benefit for nervous system or cognitive function from 12 months of supplementation among older people with moderate vitamin B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B12 supplements offer no benefits for neurological or cognitive function in older people with moderate vitamin B12 deficiency, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Instead, quite a moderate amount of physical activity was found to be sufficient for memory - protecting benefits, and only the most inactive group of twins stood out with a significantly higher risk for cognitive impairment.
When it came to pain reduction, the researchers found a large treatment benefit; for fatigue, a small - to - moderate treatment effect was found.
«The impaired heart rate response has been considered a hindrance for more demanding high - intensity training, but this new study documents that stable heart transplant recipients benefit from this type of training more than from the moderate training that has been recommended so far.
Given the lack of mortality benefit of screening, and the moderate to substantial harms that could result from false - positive screeningtest results and subsequent surgery, the USPSTF concludes with moderate certainty that the harms of screening for ovarian cancer outweigh the benefit, and the net balance of the benefit and harms of screening is negative.
Having observed this behavior and shown that odors make larvae overcome their natural tendency to moderate the risk associated with searching for food, we want to understand the brain areas involved in this process of balancing cost and benefit.
«Triclosan's increasing detection in environmental samples and its increasingly broad use in consumer products may overcome its moderate benefit and present a very real risk of liver toxicity for people, as it does in mice, particularly when combined with other compounds with similar action,» said Robert H. Tukey, PhD, professor in the departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Pharmacology.
While WHO formulates its recommendations in terms of moderate - to - vigorous activity, the researchers say there is a growing consensus for the benefits of reducing sedentary behavior and increasing even low - intensity levels of physical activity.
The USPSTF issued a «B grade recommendation» for depression screening, meaning that it is of moderate to substantial net benefit.
«The results of this study suggest there is little benefit to what is often considered a routine addition to the open - heart procedure of CABG for patients with moderate IMR,» said senior study author Robert Michler, M.D., professor and chairman, Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and co-director of The Montefiore Einstein Center for Heart and Vascular Care.
Evidence for screening benefit in this setting is moderate and is derived from large RCTs.
Mootha and his team had hoped to find benefits for more moderate low - oxygen conditions, such as intermittent periods of hypoxia or slightly higher levels of oxygen.
«Because of some recent studies suggesting that the benefit is not very large, and because aspirin can also have risks (intestinal bleeding or hemorrhagic stroke), the January 2010 recommendations will recommend it mostly for higher - risk people than was the case in the past, when it was recommended for people with more moderate levels of risk and above,» says M. Sue Kirkman, MD, the vice president of clinical affairs for the ADA.
The study was «well - done,» Karlamangla says, and despite the built - in limitations in the research, it reinforces the evidence for the health benefits of moderate drinking.
A new study has quantified the benefits of a healthy lifestyle like never before: For the first time, scientists have linked three behaviors — not smoking, maintaining a normal weight, and moderate alcohol consumption — to seven additional years of life.
According to a round - up of studies published in Consumer Reports, moderate amounts of red wine may confer some benefits, but any pluses rapidly change to risks for heavy drinkers.
«While moderate amounts of alcohol appear protective for the «plumbing,» or blood supply to the heart muscle, the benefits of alcohol do not extend to the electrical parts of the heart, or heartbeat,» he said.
Moderate exercise such as going for long walks and using the stairs will allow you to reap the health benefits of exercise.
Because of these limitations, Wieland and her co-authors determined that the evidence of yoga's benefits for back pain was only of «low - to moderate - certainty.»
And in 2009, two coffee studies suggested additional benefits: Coffee - drinking men seemed to have a lower risk of advanced or lethal prostate cancer than other men, and middle - aged people who drank moderate amounts of coffee — three to five cups a day — had the lowest risk for dementia and Alzheimers disease later in life compared to less (or more) frequent drinkers.
Scientists have found that moderate quantities of alcohol have several benefits for your heart's health, but only if the amount of alcohol is spread evenly, having one or two drinks daily, instead of binging sporadically.
Seems simple and logical, but moderate and safe sun exposure has the most benefits for vitamin D levels.
Mild psoriatic arthritis may benefit from simple lifestyle changes (for example, moderate exercise) and over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Mortrin and Advil) and naproxen (Aleve).
Research suggests that a 10 - minute sweat session with 1 minute of high - intensity exercise (think sprints, on foot or a stationary bike) can lead to the same benefits — including improved cardiovascular health, increased endurance, and fat percentage loss — as exercising at a moderate pace for 45 minutes.
According to a small new study, folks who did 3 sets of 20 - second all - out bike sprints reaped the same benefits after 12 weeks — increased endurance and fat percentage loss — as those who cycled at a moderate pace for 45 minutes.
Furthermore, a paper published recently in the ACSM's Exercise and Sport Sciences Review discussed the research suggesting that intense aerobic interval training provides greater benefits for the heart than low or moderate intensity exercise.
The outcomes of this research sends a very useful message, which is that even a moderate amount of exercise, which is defined as brisk walking for 150 minutes each week, can provide a tremendous health benefit, especially to individuals predisposed to high blood pressure because of their family history.
To reap these benefits, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that all adults get 150 minutes of moderate cardiovascular activity and two days of muscle - strengthening workouts every week.
The name comes from Japanese researcher Izumi Tabata, who in 1996 authored a study that showed athletes who trained on an ergometer (an exercise bike) for a total of 20 minutes per week experienced similar aerobic benefits to a group that performed more moderate exercise each week for five hours.
While numerous studies have shown the benefits of exercise for adults with cardiovascular disease, most of the research has involved moderate - intensity activity.
Although low - moderate intensity cardio is not effective for fat loss, it has been shown to have great health benefits, especially for your brain and heart.
If intermittent fasting confers equal or better benefits for adding lean - body mass or if intermittent fasting confers equal or better benefits for stripping fat while preserving lean - body mass (when compared to the 4 - 6 meals of low - moderate carb, high protein, low - moderate fat) then we should see an onslaught of professional bodybuilders (not onesie twosie) also kneeling at the alter of and hailing intermittent fasting as king of the diets.
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