Sentences with phrase «moderate decrease»

Mild rises in blood sugar and mild to moderate decreases in serum calcium levels sometimes occur.
While the results showed that participants in general continued to prefer fact - to - face meetings, there was an increase in online use that corresponded with a moderate decrease in meeting attendance.
However, no matter how many different strategies you try you should never lose sight of the fact that the most effective thing you can do has always been a moderate decrease in your caloric intake.
After 6 months, he found that there was a moderate decrease in prostate size in the experimental nettle group over the placebo group.
It reported moderate increases in reading achievement, relative to 2008, for students in Years 3 and 5, and a moderate decrease in the writing performance of Years 3, 5 and 7s.
In us humans, a moderate decrease in urine specific gravity is considered part of the normal aging process (getting old).
The most obvious changes in CERES is in SW as a result of secular cloud cover changes — a moderate decrease obviously.
Results indicate that children who participated in 14 sessions of CCPT showed a moderate decrease in aggressive behaviors over children in the control group, according to effect sizes as reported by parents.
«Consumer confidence improved in December, following a moderate decrease in November,» says Lynn Franco, Director of Economic Indicators at The Conference Board.
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