Sentences with phrase «moderate diet»

I would consider moving from a single cheat day to just eating a more moderate diet day to day trying to keep it 80 - 90 % whole foods.
Most ailments can be cured by moderate diet and fasting under the guidance of an expert.
Add in moderate diet and exercise and the effects on your leptin levels are magnified.
Even in the half or so of all diabetes cases that seem to be related to genes that have programmed a person's cells to need less fuel, exercise and moderate diet changes can work wonders if the progress of insulin resistance is noticed soon enough during regular checkups.
And a more moderate diet, filled with good quality protein, fats, and carbohydrates will be a more effective weight loss journey for the long term.
Jia says doctors now caution moms - to - be to follow a moderate diet during pregnancy.
Nearly 20,000 women maintained a moderate diet for almost eight years.
In September a 25 - year study conducted by the National Institute on Aging, in Baltimore, found that rhesus monkeys fed a moderate diet lived just as long as those receiving 25 to 30 percent fewer calories.
Short - term fasting requires consuming fewer calories overall, and when paired with a moderate diet, it helps promote weight loss naturally.
I suggest using a moderate diet and exercise approach with the diet including a majority of complex carbs and fats being the good fats.
I used this diet before going on a more moderate diet, and was advised to work out really hard during it — the theory being that if you don't, the cholesterol and fat's gonna get me into trouble!
In another study of twenty overweight African American women engaged in a moderate diet and exercise regime, the group taking niacin - bound chromium experienced a significant loss of fat and sparing of muscle, as compared to group taking a placebo.
This will encompass regular exercise, a moderate diet, a reduction in obesity and that you do not smoke.
None of my dogs were lazy and, because of the healthy and moderate diet and plenty of exercise, they were not fat.
Unfortunately, excess weight leads to a host of health problems, including the potential for diabetes, so it's important to help your cat get exercise and eat a moderate diet.
Expert vets around the world suggest that dog owners feed their pet a moderate diet which comprises of both dry and wet food.
However, most dogs require relief from pain and a moderate diet and exercise program to reduce the effects of the disease.
I also lost about 20 pounds last year, through a moderate diet and exercise programme over about 7 months or so and found it reasonably easy but then 20 pounds isn't that much.
There is absolutely no evidence that a moderate diet of soy is harmful, feminizing, or will make any of your kids gay.
I'll take Price's word for it, and stick to a moderate diet featuring various forms of soy, proteins, and amino acids.
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